Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Taking break from Fortnite due to technical issues (AFK auto-kick malfunction)

At first I thought AFK kicking in Fortnite was a good idea, however I found out today that it's not all that it's cracked up to be, especially when it ends up kicking somebody who was not AFK the entire mission that they got booted from.  In this mission, you are going to see that I was active the entire time, however after I started putting some traps on the defenses, the AFK prompted popped up stating that I was AFK.  This was my first time seeing it & I wasn't certain what I needed to do to get it to disappear, especially seeing as I wasn't AFKing to begin with, but as you can see at the end of the video, I got AFK booted regardless of the fact I was active the entire time & I was none to happy without being ripped off from completing my dailies a second time (the first time this mission was failed), didn't get any rewards at all & wasted the traps I put into the defenses.  Originally I was going to call it quits after I got my dailies completed, but because I got fucked over on this mission, I decided I was going to call it quits after I took a second attempt at helping a viewer complete his Twine SSD10 & not even bother with completing the daily.

Twitch version
Higher quality with Twitch chat to the side

Twitch version embed broken due to API change, have not managed to get it fixed yet

YouTube version
Lower quaility with moderated commenting allowed

Because of what you see here, I've decided to call it quits with Fortnite until the new events start, I'll just be soloing missions until then & streaming of Fortnite on my channel (opting to stream other games) will be dead until there's actually something I need help with to complete.

With the upcoming surgery, it was already determined that I may not be streaming Fortnite at all during the recovery period (expected to be at least a month, however console games might be possible), this particular incident is likely going to increase that period of time that was already anticipated, seeing as technical issues like this is one of the things that really puts the nail in the coffin of where this game is going...

Going over the video again, this is what was

UPDATE:  I decided to contact Epic Games about this the following day with the following statement through their Feedback function in the game:
On 2/12/2020, I got idle-kicked when I was not idle & the video located at proves this, I had a number of viewers during this stream that I had gained from a raid from sakis2011's channel (one of the 3 channels that helped me get affiliate as being a Fortnite streamer on Twitch with their raids).  Obviously I was not amused with not only getting ripped off on my traps, but I also got negated reward from the mission & completion of my final daily.  I ended the stream early because of this (only running one final mission for a viewer that requested help on his SSD), then called it quits & got this video highlighted from the stream.  I have informed my viewers that I will be taking a break from Fortnite for a while, perhaps only soloing missions until the next seasonal StW events & not while streaming) in a blog post that can be located at , perhaps the only thing that is going to even make me considering stream Fortnite again (Save the World, I don't mess with Battle Royale) is if I get compensated for the losses I incurred during this mission (which I doubt will happen, so what it comes down to it you've probably lost your publicity you're getting from my channel on this game as a result of this malfunction of what was meant to deal with individuals that I run into daily).  My Twitch channel will currently trigger showing this video in chat if the !break command is used, I'm going to start streaming other games regularly rather than Fortnite because this malfunction has all but destroyed my interest in the game unless compensated for my losses (the missions rewards, the loss of V-Bucks were the daily completed & the traps put into the defense before I got booted) as a result of what you see at the end of this video.  The time on the right shows the exact time in Mountain Time, matchmaking done through US West servers.
Obviously I don't expect to get anything positive out of this, but I've made it clear that my interest in Fortnite has been all but destroyed as a result of this malfunction in their game & while not specifically stated in the feedback left over the game, I am going to be limiting any activity in the game from this point forward, streaming of StW pretty well being negated from my channel at least until the new seasonal events start & any streaming will only be done if the power levels are high enough that I don't feel I can solo them.  Of course I will still be recording them if I'm playing multiplayer at all, so videos could still show up on my YouTube channel (nothing positive, most videos I have published are of people that deserve to get kicked by this function, unlike what happened to me during this video), but no more streaming of Fortnite until I see something done to compensate for this malfunction & that likely means I will be avoiding any other games that would require a purchase of an Epic Games title in the future also (haven't decided whether I'm going to include games that use the Unreal Engine yet, but if they decide to ban my account or go after my channels rather than compensate for the game's error, a full public boycott including games that use their engine is definite, as would be the same result with another big name gaming/toy company that went after my YouTube channel).

UPDATE:  Going over the video again, this is what was lost in traps & I at the very least want these back (or the mats that were lost to craft them):
  • 6 Broadsides (Lv. 40)
  • 1 Wall Dynamo (Lv. 40)
  • 4 Gas Traps (Lv. 50)
  • 10 Wall Darts (Lv. 40)
  • 2 Wall Spikes (Lv. 50)
This amounts to the following crafting mats being lost because of the AFK-kick:
  • 4 Carved Twine
  • 8 Oxidized Mineral Powder
  • 35 Sleek Mechanical Parts
  • 30 Peaky Twine
  • 12 Char-Black Mineral Powder
  • 1 Battery
  • 4 Bacon
  • 4 Duct Tape
  • 28 Fiberous Herbs
  • 55 Nuts 'n' Bolts
  • 154 Planks
UPDATE:  Another StW streamer (who helped with getting the videos in this post sent to Epic Games & determined the reason for the idle-kick was that trap placement was not considered as a valid activity to prevent it from happening, which could rotationally result in improvements in the system in the future) decided to reimburse me on the traps that I got ripped off for...almost 200 times over.  This was more than I was asking for, he stated that he was cleaning out inventory however, so even though I felt a bit bad about it, I accepted what I was offered (if I do get AFK-kicked again, I don't really have much reason to complain about it, I could be AFK-kicked 100 more times & I probably would have still come out ahead).  This will get me streaming Fortnite again, I will however be leaving this post & the videos behind as a reminder of how this was an incorrect classification & hope that it gets fixed/improved in the future.

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