So from
iBreezyy's video which gave light of the fact he was filing false reports, I spent a couple hours going through my backed up IRC logs (what was left of them anyways) to log what was in them for future reference as they may be needed in a future court case against him (or his parents, if what he's stating about being underage is accurate, but technically speaking I think he's breaking Twitch policy if this is true & could have his account closed for that reason, I'll have to check the Twitch policy age minimum later). What I collected so far can be found
here & will continue to be added to each time I see a large gathering of unknown individuals joining & leaving my channel within a short period.
This is going to give some indication of just how often the false reports are being filed, as well as who is likely a part of it. Of course I'm not going to point fingers until proven guilty (with the exception of those who have already proven themselves guilty from the
Twitch troll party on 3/19/2018), so currently these logs are just speculation of possibility, not definite (at least not yet). Of course there's no saying how long this has been going on prior to the logs cutting off, it could have been happening every day since
the original issue on 2/19/2018, which I unfortunately have to expect is probably accurate based on his attitude when
filing a couple more reports during his 3/22/2018 stream, so if you get right down to it, I'm surprised he hasn't already had his account banned for excessive abuse of the report function...
Note that there are a number of grey boxes in these logs (screenshots); these are individuals that have shown they can be pleasant on the channel & therefore I have censored out information regarding them seeing as I don't really need to be publishing details about their activity in my channel when they have proven themselves to be decent people.
At this point I'm certain there
will be a new article on my personal site about
iBreezyy by the end of the week, it's a shame Twitch can't get these matters resolved before negative articles about their service end up getting published on various other sites...
UPDATE: A side note, but after going over the
Twitch's Terms of Service, it states:
If you are between the ages of 13 and 18 (or between 13 and the age of legal majority in your country of residence), you may only use the Twitch Services under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who agrees to be bound by these Terms of Service.
According to his own statement, he's stating he's
a child. I doubt a child, but a teenager at best. However even as a teenager, (under Twitch's ToS) he should be getting supervised by an adult & I can guarantee that's not the case when you consider how he's been acting. Because things are starting to add up, I decided it was time to file another report, similar to the last, however categorized as an underage user:
In your terms of service, it is stated that those between the age of 13 and 18 must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian. In the Past Broadcast located at (slanderous discussion started in the last 17 minutes of this video, this particular statement made at 3:35:54 in this stream, along with additional statements about reports against my Twitch channel by him & his friends starting at 3:33:32), he stated that he was "a child" while make a "child abuse" report on my YouTube channel under asinine reasoning. With what he was stating during this stream, what happened during the attack on my channel on 3/19/2018 ( & the original issue on 2/19/2018 ( that appears to has gotten him to recruit others into reporting my Twitch (and YouTube channel as of 3/22/2018 when this stream of his aired, the one I found the evidence of it in & backed up on my personal site, linked in my Twitch blog at I can GUARANTEE he has no adult supervision during when he stream or even uses Twitch, so this is a close repeat to the last report with perhaps the most accurate categorization that I can give with the evidence he has provided while his stream was running on 3/22/2018.
I don't have a lot of trust in Twitch when you consider the amount of attacks that have been allowed to happen against my channel & good portion of those never getting penalized for their actions, but we'll see where this goes; if anything I would expect him to get contacted with a reminder of Twitch policy & there may be a limit on how often he streams, where it might become apparent he has an adult there with him (not that I expect he's actually going to start following this rule, but I suspect Twitch will probably be able to determine this if they are monitoring his channel if it has a warning on it), but we'll see where it goes from here.
UPDATE: And that report seems to have done the trick. I went to the hospital (due to an infection after my surgery on 3/15/2018) after making that report, came back, got some sleep (not getting much sleep the night before), checked his channel to see if the report had done anything & got the standard error that usually shows up on banned accounts (note the URL in the address bar):

I checked my Twitch ban list just to make sure he hadn't changed his name (expecting the name might have changed in the banlist along with any possible name-change on his channel, it does this with auto-hosts anyways), doesn't seem he has. Hopefully he will learn from this & not try to push the buttons of somebody who actually reads the policy of services they use, which in this case managed to be used against him & probably wouldn't have happened if I hadn't done my research & figured out he was committing slander & filing mass false-reports (through not only himself, but also his friends & followers) on a regular basis.
I expect he will be able to successfully appeal the ban, but it may be under the stipulation that he be under supervision when he streams or views (although I would expect the latter to be impossible to verify). He does have a YouTube channel, I can guarantee he will continue this charade on that channel (I find it highly unlikely he will learn from this) & I'm expecting a video probably dedicated to me (or rather his false-representation of me), which is where I will have the ability to file a report against that channel as well (once he's thrown some slander on that channel, I will have enough evidence through his own doing that I will successfully be able to file a complaint against his channel under YouTube abuse policy without having to supply additional evidence, although it's going to be an uphill fight considering YouTube still doesn't give the option to supply supporting evidence unless it's through a legal threat). There is also a detail I have put on the Discussion tab of my channel regarding these attacks, slander & false-reports, I expect he will be reporting that when he finds it, which is probably going to backfire on him & cause his YouTube account to get banned as well (of course from my experience with YouTube, they don't verify facts when allegations are made from big name companies, so he might actually succeed were he to report it, but at the same time he takes a risk of getting his own account banned as well, where this would only be a strike on my account, possibly a full ban on his).
UPDATE: I've been watching the IRC logs closely (and logging them in chunks multiple times a day) since I realized what was going on (after seeing the video on iBreezyy's channel) when this group of people joined, then leave shortly afterwards, particularly when a stream isn't even running. The fact of the matter is they are still at it with the false-reports in hopes that they will be able to get my account banned, but I don't really have any fear of that because I'm not doing anything that is going to warrant one needing to be placed. What I do know however is there is going to be one HELL of a page going up on Twitch on my personal site (regarding revictimization of a victim) if he ever succeeds, with iBreezyy being a BIG part of it, with a possible lawsuit against his parents for damages caused by those reports; I already have enough evidence to go after them for slander committed by their son, but I don't believe slander is a good enough reason to have the police issue a subpoena against Twitch for his personal information to issue them a summons, however this may at least be discussed with the police in the near future if he keeps at it. I'm more expecting he's going to take a more extreme route that could land him in prison for 20 years, however I won't get into details on that just yet, just keep in mind I have contacts ready to prosecute, as well as for the local media (news stations) & drafts ready for publication on multiple sites should it happen (this won't be publicity he's going to want & I can only imagine what his parents will have to say about it when it becomes national news).
The fact of the matter is after they viewed his video, Twitch is now fully aware of the false-reports iBreezyy & his followers are making against my channel (I would expect they were aware of it prior to viewing the video, however it seems that wasn't enough to ban those accounts for extensive abuse of the report function) & I expect sooner or later the accounts that are continuing to abuse it to the extent I expect it's happening (based on my IRC logs alone) will start being banned on that reason (this is actually stated at the top of the box when you open it to report a channel, "Abuse of this feature is a violation of the terms of service").
I am certain he currently blames me for getting his channel banned & he's ramped up more of his followers (or perhaps I should say former followers, seeing as his channel was banned for lack of supervision for his age while using Twitch) to make even more false-reports against my channel, however he needs to realize it was his own actions that caused his account to be banned, all I did was point out what he was doing to Twitch using his own video as evidence (until he realizes that, things aren't going to change & eventually it will escalate to the point that he will be forced to change when he no longer has the option to make that decision on his own). This is why I publish this information online with all possible evidence right off the bat, which has gotten me a number of attacks in the past, however as many times as it has happened, I know how to deal with it & the continued retaliation will just continue to dig himself a deeper grave.
UPDATE: As of 3/28/2018, looks like iBreezyy's channel has been reactivated. We'll see if he's able to follow Twitch policy from this point forward; his aggressive nature & persistence in attacking my channel over the last month would tell me otherwise (my IRC logs I expect are going to continue pointing that out for me, as it did earlier today that the abuse of report function is still happening) & this is only what I got from the last 17 minutes of his own stream aired on 3/22/2018 (which has been deleted from his channel since it was reactivated, but that portion of that video is still backed up on my personal site & viewable from this blog, likely becoming a part of a new article on my personal site if the attacks continue). If this continues to be a problem & I have to report his channel again (where Twitch may chose to ignore the reports), I may have to speak with my local police about it (as I did with
PSN user EPICMINECRAFT25), followed by a lawsuit against his parents for his slander (when children are the target of a lawsuit, the parents or legal guardian become responsible for monetary damages in court, even if that only includes punitive damages). I would expect sooner or later other users who are doing this for him will also be getting thrown into the lawsuit mix (I already know of one other definite user from the evidence I took from his channel on 3/25/2018, which was the evidence that was used in the report when his account got banned).