Privacy, Cookies & Data Collection

Under new European laws, it is now an obligation for all sites (including blogs) to disclose details regarding cookie usage & data collection, so I'm going to quickly go over sites that are used/referenced in this blog for those purposes:
  • Google Analytics is used to track visitor activity & referral links, only Google has access to these logs.
  • Images may sometimes be called from  This is my personal site & shouldn't be using cookies of any kind, unless my host is responsible for them being written (or if you attempt to access a restricted page on the actual site that requires a login to access it).  My site may still log access to those images by IP/host address in the raw access logs.
  • Embedded YouTube videos may be found on certain pages.  Any tracking done on these pages will be done by YouTube & will be visible to the owners of those videos (whether my video or it's been uploaded by somebody else).
  • Embedded Twitch videos were broken some time ago, however referral traffic may still be tracked if directed to those videos from another site.  Any tracking done on these pages will be done by Twitch & will be visible to the owners of those videos (whether my video or it's been highlighted by somebody else).

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