Bans will be put in place for the following reasons in my chat channel:
- Filter Dodging
- Harassment
- Spamming
- Trolling
- Racism
- Discrimination of ANY kind
- Advertising
- Promoting of other channels
NOTE: Filters are not your standard filters, but rather filters I have defined. If you find a word has been filtered, don't try to get around it.
NOTICE: Open Discord access is temporarily disabled due to a mass of
attacks coming from Steam trolls that managed to get YouTube creators to
start spreading misinformation videos. These attacks have already
spread to other profiles, channels, my personal website & my Discord
server. As of 1/13/2024 (and continuing until the attacks end), the
Discord server will be private invite only using expiring links.
Global Commands:- /me [custom text emote]
- /mods
- /vips
- !accountage [user]
- !achievements
- !blog / !feed
- !bots
- !commands
- !discord
- !epic
- !followage [user]
- !followers
- !giveaway
- !highlights
- !lastchat [user]
- !lastseen [user]
- !lurk
- !questmod
- !rules
- !points [user]
- !so [user] (200)
- !store
- !subs
- !uptime
- !viewers
- !viewerstats
- !vso [user] (VIP)
- !watchtime [user]
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Comments are currently disabled in response to continuing attacks against multiple personal profiles/channels across the web, starting in mid-2023. Any comments that are submitted will be immediately rejected until the high alert status has ended (currently set for 1/28/2027, further updates/pushbacks on this date will be posted to the blog). Abusive comments will still be reported, deleted and the user banned from this blog when necessary.
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.