StreamElements Store

Games can be purchased with points gained from watching, following, hosting, tipping or subscribing to this channel via the StreamElements store. Specifics about the store & points on this channel:
  • You can bring up your points at any time by using the command !points in chat.
  • You can get a link to the store at any time by using the command !store in chat.
  • The follow bonus is a one-time bonus that will be removed if unfollowed. You may be blocked from the points system if I see the follow bonus being abused.
  • Users who are banned from this channel have also been blocked from receiving points on it.
  • Accounts that have been confirmed as bots have been blocked from the point system.
  • Most items in the store are Steam activition keys (there are a couple of Uplay keys for DLC; make sure you own the original game on any DLC activation key regardless of what platform it is for) & won't require any additional steps before you can receive the item.
  • Steam inventory items will require that I add you as a friend for you to be able to receive the item (that can be removed later), these items will be ineligable to those on my Steam block list.
  • If you are breaking the rules of the stream or being abusive, you may find your points wiped, reduced or even be banned from the system.
  • If you are receiving email notifications when the stream goes live, you may get a heads up in those emails when new games/items are added to the store.
  • If you change your username on Twitch, your points will still be held on the old username. Provided you are following, I can transfer the points from your old username to your new one if you let me know you changed your username.

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