Thursday, June 21, 2018

Broken PS3 Twitch app (part 2)

Considering contacting Twitch over their Facebook page & through their email support STILL has no effect on the functionality of the PlayStation 3 Twitch app, I've decided it was time to try contacting PlayStation to see if they could do something to have Twitch fix their app, otherwise it needs to be removed from the PSN store if the only thing it does successfully is wastes space on the your PS3...  Of course PlayStation was either late on the reply or doesn't intend on replying (there's still the thread I created on the Support Forums, I'll be either sending them an email or calling them in the next week if no response is given), giving enough time for some trolls to start having their way with the comment regarding the broken app (completely ignoring the second point, being that it should be removed from the PSN store if it's not going to be fixed).  The trolling replies to this post pushed the priority that I get the second video recorded & published (showing that the app no longer is capable of even streaming a channel, even after sitting there loading for over 5 minutes), this video can be found at (as well as embedded below), which has also been added to a playlist that now had 2 videos in it showing how this app is broken.

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