- The connection issues that happened due to the DDoS, including latency in Fortnite as it could be seen on my side, this won't really be reliable trying to view it from Twitch, however I will have notes about the latency in the description of that video (including any followup videos that may have started in addition to the starting videos as a result of disconnects & reconnects; there were 3 disconnects total during this stream, I can only account for how many dropped frames there ware since the last reconnect because it resets when OBS reconnects to Twitch's servers, there were literally over 96% by the time I hit the second disconnect).
- Pointing out that the likely culprit was instigated by iBreezyy (or somebody he knows).
- A new griefing video on the individual that attempted to follow in iBreezyy's footsteps when I pointed this out during the mission; this individual has been blocked on the Epic Games platform (all this really does is mute them in text chat however, "blocking" really doesn't do what it's supposed to do on the Epic Games platform) & has been added to the Blocked tab of the Fortnite progress spreadsheet (linked off of my Twitch channel when I have Fortnite information in the Now Playing panel).
After 3 disconnects, the final statistics (after the third disconnect from Twitch services) can be found in this screenshot:
Click for full-sized image
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