Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June 19, 2018 DDoS attack

Another stream ended early due to yet another DDoS attack, again suspected to committed by iBreezyy or somebody he knows (this second attack happened only hours after pushing an update to the page regarding attacks from him & his crew of internet thugs).  A new video of what could be seen on my side will be added once I'm done processing & uploading it to YouTube from the local recording (exporting from Twitch really isn't an option in this case):

This screenshot shows stats in OBS at the end of the stream, including duration of video (local, although it's how long the stream should have been if not for intentional denial of service attacks), how many & what percentage of dropped frames there were (since the last disconnect, there was 1 total) & the upload bitrate at the end of the stream (which pretty well shows the ability to stream never recovered, just like the ending attack on June 16, 2018):
Click for full-sized image
The frequency of these attacks told me this was going to become a pretty regular issue, so I decided it was time to add every video regarding these DDoS attacks (including others that I'm certain are going to happen in the future) to a playlist, which is being used to embed videos displaying results of DDoS attacks on the page regarding the attacks from this individual.  Additional details (such as OBS statistics at the end of the stream/recording) can be found in the description of each video.

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