Monday, March 12, 2018

Expired Highlights (bug)

Due to a bug on Twitch that effected Highlights between 2/26 to 3/8 of 2018 (, a couple of my Highlights were deleted when the original Past Broadcasts expired.  I unfortunately did not have a local backup of the Fortnite griefer video for Dr. Jew, however I did have a backup of the one for Aluuurt (PSN username Logster45; this user has since changed his EG username to BreezyyHD), so I will be uploading the backup of that video once I get finished cutting off the first half of the video (irrelevant to the issues displayed in the video, this was just preparation for the next mission).  Because of this, I will be making it a point to have a backup (or export) of each video I have on Twitch on YouTube as well (expect in special cases, such as when the soundtrack of a game would cause a penalty on YouTube; the worst that can happen here on Twitch is the video gets muted).  Both of these videos were uses in griefing reports to Epic Games & if EG hadn't seen them before their unfortunate collateral damage to the Highlight expiration bug, they won't be seeing them because the link to the video provided in the report will not be valid (even if the backups are uploaded to replace deleted videos)...

UPDATE:  I finally got the video uploaded to Twitch, however it seems the purpose in these are to schedule events to show those videos, not to simply allow viewing of them, so uploading the backup to Twitch ended up being a HUGE waste of time, however I did get the backup uploaded to YouTube, so I'll instead be embedding that video here:

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