Friday, December 21, 2018

Streams limited, Medicaid issues negating personal life...

For the past several months, Medicaid has been harassing me with regular reviews & requests for verifications that is taking up any extra time I may have to spend on other things, this is obviously interfering with my ability to do streams as often as I would like, not to mention my health is quickly deteriorating from the stress it is causing & not getting enough time (if any time at all) to recover from the previous series of what should have already been put to rest... It's expected they are looking for a reason to boot me off of what I should still be eligible for due to being disabled, however we already know that Trump is shooting to get as many people off of Medicaid as possible (even those that still depend on it to continue living, much like myself), unless I can find an outlet that is going to gain me enough income to live off of (a job would be fine if I could get hired, however job seekers with disabilities get much the same treatment as those with criminal histories, most of my attempts to get a job result in dead ends & wasted time), I have to continue dealing with it until I can find an alternative to it (I'd sooner just tell them to fuck off & be done with it, but I won't have any medical insurance if I do & I don't know what to expect if I tell them to get lost) or until it ultimately ends up killing me... Until I get a break from this constant avalanche of notices they are sending me every few days (sometimes several days in a row), I can't say when I'll be able to get back to streaming regularly again, much less going back to a normal life where I don't have to worry about Medicaid constantly trying to find a reason to pull my medical coverage & all expenses it covers (including, but not limited to doctors, disability case managers, medications, inhalers, hospitals, etc.)...

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