Sunday, April 22, 2018

iBreezyy organized attacks continue

Attacks/stalking continues to be a problem with Twitch user iBreezyy & gang, as can be seen from the IRC logs regarding this matter, as well as the follows from several individuals that are contributing to his channel.  Currently the following accounts are known to be a part of these attacks:
  • DeedsGames
  • hunterwj1
  • iBreezyy
  • JustAMexicanyt
  • nightmareeCS
  • thybreeze
  • whysosaltyxxx
  • Xxwheelz01xx

At this point I have had to take matters to the extreme & start banning ANYBODY who has contributed to his channel through ANY form of donation (using the donation lists on his channel) ANY time I see ANY individual that is currently known to be in on these attacks organized through his channel & friend lists.  Once they stop coming to my channel to cause problems, I will be able to stop banning people from his donations & subscribers lists, but ANY time I see an individual from that list enter my channel (regardless of whether I'm streaming or not, then last time it happened on 4/21/2018 was actually while I was cooking & not streaming), additional bans will be placed using his donation lists.

For those who would like to claim these are false-bans, I'm okay with that & I'm not entirely going to argue with it (however there may still be some truth behind the ban, especially with certain individuals that have been seen following the channel; I started keeping archives of all follower emails about a month ago, a few have been confirmed to be following, subscribing or even donating iBreezyy's channel, these are kept is a special folder called Twitch troll follows).  I might be willing to unban individuals who got banned simply due to being a contributor to his channel in the future (provided they haven't actually followed mine, as that's a red flag that shows they are likely in on the attacks; iBreezyy's channel is for the most part a PvP channel, mine is primarily a PvE channel when it comes to Fortnite), however there's NO chance in that happening while I still have these troll accounts following my channel & them showing up in my channel on a regular basis (expected to be so they can continue reporting the channel for false reasons at ease every time I start a stream, as was proven from a Past Broadcast from his own channel).

UPDATE:   After digging into this for a while longer, I found that both iBreezyy & nightmareeCS are EXCEEDINGLY AGRESSIVE Counter-Strike: Global Offensive hackers, finding multiple accounts with VAC bans for both of them (including one for DeedsGames) & this eventually lead to the currently active stream page for nightmareeCS on Twitch (Milesp1).  All details regarding the new information has been published to the existing article regarding iBreezyy & gang at; this newly acquired information will be getting supplied to Twitch, Steam (against the accounts that don't currently have VAC bans on them) & Epic Games through various reports if these lowlifes don't start to back off from my channel soon.

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