- DeedsGames
- hunterwj1
- iBreezyy
- JustAMexicanyt
- nightmareeCS
- thybreeze
- whysosaltyxxx
- Xxwheelz01xx
At this point I have had to take matters to the extreme & start banning ANYBODY who has contributed to his channel through ANY form of donation (using the donation lists on his channel) ANY time I see ANY individual that is currently known to be in on these attacks organized through his channel & friend lists. Once they stop coming to my channel to cause problems, I will be able to stop banning people from his donations & subscribers lists, but ANY time I see an individual from that list enter my channel (regardless of whether I'm streaming or not, then last time it happened on 4/21/2018 was actually while I was cooking & not streaming), additional bans will be placed using his donation lists.
For those who would like to claim these are false-bans, I'm okay with that & I'm not entirely going to argue with it (however there may still be some truth behind the ban, especially with certain individuals that have been seen following the channel; I started keeping archives of all follower emails about a month ago, a few have been confirmed to be following, subscribing or even donating iBreezyy's channel, these are kept is a special folder called Twitch troll follows). I might be willing to unban individuals who got banned simply due to being a contributor to his channel in the future (provided they haven't actually followed mine, as that's a red flag that shows they are likely in on the attacks; iBreezyy's channel is for the most part a PvP channel, mine is primarily a PvE channel when it comes to Fortnite), however there's NO chance in that happening while I still have these troll accounts following my channel & them showing up in my channel on a regular basis (expected to be so they can continue reporting the channel for false reasons at ease every time I start a stream, as was proven from a Past Broadcast from his own channel).
UPDATE: After digging into this for a while longer, I found that both iBreezyy & nightmareeCS are EXCEEDINGLY AGRESSIVE Counter-Strike: Global Offensive hackers, finding multiple accounts with VAC bans for both of them (including one for DeedsGames) & this eventually lead to the currently active stream page for nightmareeCS on Twitch (Milesp1). All details regarding the new information has been published to the existing article regarding iBreezyy & gang at http://www.wondergamer.net/Twitch/abuse/ibreezyy.htm; this newly acquired information will be getting supplied to Twitch, Steam (against the accounts that don't currently have VAC bans on them) & Epic Games through various reports if these lowlifes don't start to back off from my channel soon.
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