Friday, January 18, 2019

Article 13 is about to make a (negative) difference for streamers...

Several months ago, I made a blog entry regarding Article 13 with the European Union Directive & how it was going to affect streamers if it passed, even joining the fight for a short time by setting up a timer to get this information out regarding the matter through my bot & tagging my streams to show I was a part of the movement against it (although I pulled out of it fairly quickly due to increased attacks by iBreezyy & his gang of goons shortly after I set it up & it becoming apparent that Twitch wasn't going to do anything about it regardless of how many reported I filed against his channel).

I received another email today from Twitch pointing out that Article 13 is about to go into effect, decided I needed to get involved in this fight once more...  In this email, Twitch states the following:
Dear Creators,

Back in December, we reached out to make sure you were aware of Article 13, a proposal to a European Union Directive that could restrict the content you and your communities make and share on Twitch. It’s a proposal with global consequences, so we asked you and every other creator worldwide to get the facts, talk with your viewers, and sign a petition.

To everyone who shared our concerns and participated, thank you. We see and appreciate your support. To anyone who hasn’t, or to anyone who’s just now hearing about Article 13, it’s still not too late to add your voice to a large and growing group of streamers who don’t want to see their opportunities and creative freedom hindered.

In only a few days, EU national negotiators will sit down with members of the European Parliament to finish drafting Article 13. Lost among the recent debates and negotiations is one core truth: that all of you make the internet a better and more vibrant place by having the freedom to create what you want to create. You use Twitch to communicate, entertain, educate, and bring people together. The negotiators of Article 13 must be shown the value you and your communities bring to this debate, and must understand this law’s potential impact on you and everyone you stream for.

Your voice on this topic matters. If passed, you—the creator who earns a livelihood on services like Twitch, grows communities, and makes original, engaging content—will see more barriers to creation. Please consider these ways to continue educating your community and lending your voice to this important discussion:
  • Speak out. Inform and educate your community during a broadcast of the issues with the European Union’s approach to copyright law and motivate folks to take an interest on this topic. Be sure to title your streams #Article13.
  • Share your perspective with your member of the EU Parliament. You can find your representative here:
  • Join with other creators objecting to Article 13 at Create Refresh or #SaveYourInternet.
  • Sign a petition.
We’ll continue to do our part by talking to members of the EU Parliament, educating creators, supporting creator action groups, and serving as a home for creators who want to share their views, their way.

And we hope you’ll join us.

Emmett Shear
Once this goes into effect, expect some changes on Twitch (as well as other streaming sites) & not for the better...  Streamers are going to be the primary force in getting this decision reversed, however I expect even viewers can have their voices heard, because they are also a part of Twitch (what's the point of streaming if you don't have viewers).  For streamers & viewers alike, take the time to make your voice heard, Twitch is going to have some major changes that is going to effect the functionality & what games can be streamed if this new standard is not reversed...

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