Tuesday, February 25, 2020

On 2/25/2019, I was made aware of a situation with StreamElements that resulted in a rollback of account data back to Nov. 4th, 2019:

We are writing to inform you about a recent issue we had with our loyalty system and the steps we are taking to remedy the situation.

On Monday, one of our loyalty databases maintained by a 3rd party vendor was accidentally deleted from their server along with the related backups. The database held all of our recent customer loyalty program data. As a result, systems which rely on this program--such as giveaways, contests, stream store, watchtime, and media request with loyalty points--were disabled.

Because we were able to identify the issue, we have re-enabled the loyalty program today. Since the vendor informed us that they are unable to restore the lost data, we are using our own offsite backups from November of 2019 to reflect data captured up until that month. We realize this is not ideal, but it is the only option we currently have. If you prefer to opt-out of using the older data we restored, simply use the reset button on your leaderboard.

We apologize for the impact this has on your channel and community and will be putting in additional safeguards to ensure this doesn’t happen again. If you have any additional questions please come by our Discord.
There is very little I can do regarding watchtime & points gained from watching, point bonuses on the other hand, I have the ability to go through past logs & restore point bonuses for follows, raids, hosts & cheers.  These logs include the following:
  • Patreon income logs
  • Dasbhoard logs restored to StreamElements through Twitch API
  • Local IRC logs on my computer
With these I should be able to restore all bonuses to people who deserved them & remove points from those that have had point wipes as a result of breaking he rules of the channel.

Commands & auto-responses will likely also need to be re-written, that will take additional time before another stream can be done & some of those commands may not came back if I can't remember what they were.  Regarding the Fortnite commands, this are still disabled anyways, still waiting to be reimbursed on traps that I got ripped off for as a result of the AFK-kick on 2/12/2020 (which in all honesty, probably won't happen), there won't be any more streams of this game on my Twitch channel until these are reimbursed (solo runs are still being streamed over my Discord channel however).

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