The attempt to switch to CenturyLink for the time being has
been unsuccessful, the technician not only leaving before the order had been
completed, but the modem currently is getting no connection to the internet
after recycling the power on it. Until
the order is completed, it looks like I'm still stuck with Xfinity. Using the connection I still have with
Xfinity, I spoke to 2 representatives to get this matter resolved over the phone for close to
1 hour & 36 minutes, looks like CenturyLink is still incapable of being able
to tell who is supposed to fix what & they are still bouncing customers
around like ping pong balls (this is what originally got me to switch from them
back in 2014)...
I still don't know where this is going or when I'm going to
have a stable internet connection with a new ISP, ultimately it's looking better to just
remove the boost option from my Xfinity bill & eat the lower speeds with
higher costs if CenturyLink can't get their shit in order... Most of my day today has already been wasted
with what CenturyLink has been dragging out & the installation technician
leaving with the statement of, "That's on you" when I stated we
needed to figure out why the modem wouldn't work with my router (attempting to
put the modem into bridge mode, which made the administration interface
inaccessible & an internet connection completely lost after recycling the
Currently the status of streams regarding my Twitch channel
are up in the air as I'm not certain where the status of my ISP is going,
temporary or not, I can't get anything affordable that is dependable & this
is killing my ability to do anything online worthwhile... I'll give another update when I know better
where this is going, but I currently don't have anything concrete, I may end up
abandoning this switch & just lowering my speed with Xfinity to get the
bill down a bit or actually considering going with a satellite provider as a
temporary solution until I have something dependable to switch to...
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