Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Auto-hosting & reruns

Normally I don't allow reruns to be auto-hosted by streamers in my auto-host list, but there has been a recent change on Twitch that has removed my ability to filter reruns from being streamed on my auto-host list & may eventually lead to my auto-host function being disabled (or removing those from the auto-host list that keep getting reruns auto-hosted because Twitch no longer offers the option to filter them from being auto-hosted).  This isn't a step I want to take, but lengthy auto-hosts of reruns prevents live streamers from getting the time they deserve & if I have to cut out channels running reruns that are negating live channels from being auto-hosted, this is a step I will regrettably have to take...

UPDATE:  It appears that the option to filter out reruns is still on the site, but this option currently is not functioning correctly & reruns are still getting auto-hosted, so those channels have been removed from my auto-host list for the time being.  I may add them back after some time to see if it's been fixed yet, but until it is functioning properly & negating reruns from auto-hosting again, they'll just keep getting removed & only manual hosts will be will be getting hosted on my channel...

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