Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Mixing things up on Twitch

A couple things that have been noticed tonight (after going over some stats on Discord) was that some subscribers that had previously been granted a VIP status on the server, had left (meaning they have to go through the authorization process again to gain access to speak or chat, due to the high security on the server to prevent abuse). In addition to the loss of high-profile individuals on the Discord server, I also noticed the loss of 2 followers after the stream had already ended (their follower bonuses have already been removed to prevent duplication of that bonus).

The current status with Fortnite streams on my channel is that interest has dropped in the game due to lack of specific rewards from mission completions (V-Bucks specifically), which is what got me playing the game nearly every day. Since the start of this new event, that reward has pretty much disappeared & the only thing that makes running the game a priority is when Dailies get capped at 3, which is the expectation of why there is becoming a loss of viewers & followers (not to mention short streams rather than helping out other players with their missions due to not want to have to deal with degraded performance when the game is using EasyAntiCheat, this is because this client is locked at Normal Priority & I'm unable to increase it to Above Normal as I am with the BattlEye client).

It's been noticed that I almost always lose followers when streaming other games on Twitch, so I've been streaming those other games on Steam instead (unsurprisingly with no viewers most of the time). Considering there's been a drop in 2 followers between the time that I ended the stream yesterday & the time that I noticed these drops (not even launching another game due to not feeling up to it), it's been decided that I can't restrict my Twitch channel to just games of interest to those viewers to please them (most following recently for Fortnite), something needs to be streamed regardless of whether it's what followers are expecting to see or not (this at least allows subscribers to make use of the point multiplayer gain for viewing).

There's been a few games of interest that I'm expecting to start streaming on Twitch again, a couple that has been of interest recently including Shadow Warrior 2 & XCOM 2. Aside from that, I've been wanting to see how the viewer interaction element works in Hand of Fate 2 (this allows viewers to vote for actions in the game, even name the bosses after viewers in the stream). Additionally, I've been wanting to get Bayonetta in since I got the game with a coupon from Sega's Make War Not Love event 2 years ago. I may even start streaming some PlayStation 3 games again (recently spending time in Dragon's Crown & Anarchy Reigns). I might even fire up Double Dragon Neon again. Whatever it is that I decided to start streaming, I'm sure it will result in more unfollows, but I don't intend on spending time in Fortnite unless there's something I'm attempting to achieve & the lack of V-Buck missions (as well as the long forgotten Twitch Daily missions) is why it's currently only getting streamed roughly every 3 days (not too much that can be done about the game using EasyAntiCheat, these will still result in short streams where I only focus on getting dailies done).

With more streaming myself, this coincidentally is going to mean less hosting of Fortnite from other channels. Apparently something needs to change either way (at least until V-Buck missions become a thing in Fortnite again, I've already given up on Twitch Dailies ever coming back to Save the World), so if I have to gain the interest of a new crowd by streaming other games to make up for the loss of viewers that prefer Fortnite, this will be the change I will attempt (we'll see if Epic Games ever puts back into the game what kept my interest in the first place, there is still the possibility that I might go back to nearly every day streaming of it, but not likely while this event is still running).  Another thing I am waiting for are new weapons & heros to be added to the game (not a fan of this new event), I may start spending more time in Fortnite once new content has been added (not new missions types that rely heavily on Battle Royale mechanics).

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