Sunday, October 13, 2019

The PlayStation 3 Twitch app is finally fixed!

As of 10/13/2019, it appears the Twitch app on PlayStation 3 has finally been fixed. I contacted Twitch roughly a year & a half ago to find out if they were ever going to fix it & they stated they had no intention in it, so I started a petition on to get that issue fixed. It took over a year to get 101 signatures & another signature was added after I submitted the petition to the suggestions boards for Twitch (the petition sat at 102 signatures by the time the app was fully fixed). I've noticed for roughly a week & a half that it appeared that they were attempting to fix it, but the primary function of being able to play videos & streams was still not working. Now it appears to be functioning properly & I have to thank everybody who took the time to sign that petition, we wouldn't have gotten this far without your voices to show that this app still serves a purpose & it would have continued to be used over the (roughly) 2 years that it remained broken if it had been given the same importance as the PlayStation 4 app when it got updated. The app is finally functional again, take a bow for making it possible.

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