Friday, October 4, 2019

Missing descriptions & titles on videos

It's come to my attention that Twitch has now negated titles & descriptions from videos on Twitch (this includes any form of vides on their servers, not limited to just Past Broadcasts, Highlights, Clips or otherwise). For this reason, this means I am going to need to get that information published elsewhere & makes it more important than ever to have those descriptions on external sites (something I started doing within the last month due to various problems or lack of functionality between Twitch, YouTube & Steam). For Highlights, I may need to republish descriptions & titles to my personal site on individual pages to get that information public. For Past Broadcasts, I had started adding viewing statistics to those videos to show how the channel was doing (or not doing due to lack of viewers); these statistics will start getting added to a spreadsheet on Google Sheets & will be held indefinitely as apposed to disappearing when the Past Broadcast expires on Twitch. Ultimately, it's going to be easier to find videos listed on Twitch through external sites, rather than on Twitch itself with what they have done. Checking a few other channels, it seems this wasn't just done to my channel or my account, but done globally. This also causes a major problem with the reports I have been filing against players for violation sin games (seeing as the reports would indicate "specifics can be found in the description", I will need to start providing links to the written descriptions on Google Docs rather than to the videos until I see that this missing descriptions & titles issue has been resolved on Twitch (this isn't far off from the frozen descriptions & titles issue I started having on Steam in August of 2019 & am continuing to have to deal with).

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