Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Brief hiatis (health & personal matters)

I'm currently dealing with some issues that is preventing me from spending long periods of gaming, therefore there hasn't been any streams over the last few days & it might be a couple more before I'll be able to get back to streaming as I would like. 2 of these issues are health related, the first related to back issues (having heat on my back to try & deal with this). The second is a semi-severe case of anemia (if it gets much worse, I may find myself in the hospital to replenish lost blood), which has resulted in a lack of energy to even stay awake for very long spending much of the last 3 or 4 days resting (focusing on high-iron foods to replenish lost red blood cells, already taking iron supplements for this specific reason).

Additionally, there's been some personal matters I've had to deal with (billing errors, insurance-related & family issues mostly), which wouldn't normally take all day to take care of, but with the health issues on top of the personal matters, I haven't had the energy when I get finished & instead find myself resting in between dealing with those issues.

I'm hoping I'll be back to normal streaming in a couple days, no guarantee on that & especially if I find myself hospitalized due to excessive blood loss, so fingers crossed that I'm able to get through this without a hospital bill to deal with in addition to what I've already been dealing with over the past few days...

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