Sunday, October 13, 2019

Archived videos on Twitch set to be subscriber-only in 2020

It's been determined that with the degradation of highlights on Twitch due to hidden titles & descriptions making them pointless to really keep on Twitch at all (outside of being backups to the YouTube versions in case they get deleted for some reason, YouTube now being the primary means for viewing highlights on my channel due to lack of descriptions on Twitch), that I will be setting all archived videos on the channel to subscriber-only in the near future. I'm going to give it until the beginning of 2020 before this is done to see if descriptions/titles happen to come back before that point (also to give Epic Games some time to view the videos that were previously linked to them in violation reports; even if the descriptions are missing, the videos alone might still serve some purpose for those that were already informed of the reason for those videos being highlighted); if not, all archived videos on the channel will be getting the subscriber-only restriction due to lack of purpose caused by negated descriptions.

EDIT:  One thing I forgot about this is that there is still a 24-hour period of exclusivity I have to give to Twitch if during that session, a recorded video being uploaded to YouTube was at the same time being streamed to Twitch.  For this reason, there will be 24-hour windows when videos on Twitch need to be used in violation reports (of course since descriptions are no longer available on Twitch, the reports are instead pointing to pre-written Google Docs that have links to the video evidence on 3 different sites, rather than directly to the Twitch version of the video & stating that specific details are in the description as I have been doing in the past).

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