Thursday, January 18, 2024

What was to be expected (why comments were disabled)

Putting things into perspective on what was to be expected when I did publish new videos to YouTube & this is in continuation to the harassment, internet stalking & doxing from Steam users (what Steam wouldn't deal with themselves & instead chose to revictimize by issues restrictions against a victim of mass-harassment starting on their platform), you can see in under an hour after these were published, they were already getting downvoted.  The YouTube channel gained 6 new subscribers since this harassment on Steam started & it was expected that most (if not all) of those new subscriptions were likely Steam trolls from that thread utilizing new video alerts to quickly cause more problems.  Even some of the comments from the trolls on that Steam thread stating they were waiting for me to upload new videos (which already gave me indication this would happen).

Ultimately, I expected the rating to drop much quicker (likely slower because of the time they were published, roughly 7 AM in the morning), but this is EXACTLY why comments were disabled on my YouTube channel (as well as I've stopped linking them to my Steam profile after being personally revictimized by Steam management).  Unfortunately this affects other options that were offered through comments (like higher quality downloadable versions on request or allowing users to respond when they were being called out for poor behavior, which had resulted in removing evidence videos in the past when a civil response is left), but in order to deal with the actions of the aggression from toxic Steam stalkers, this was a necessary step that now affects all viewers of the channel because of the illegal actions of those stalkers, and furthermore, Steam management's inactions to do anything notable to protect their users from it.


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Comments are currently disabled in response to continuing attacks against multiple personal profiles/channels across the web, starting in mid-2023. Any comments that are submitted will be immediately rejected until the high alert status has ended (currently set for 1/28/2027, further updates/pushbacks on this date will be posted to the blog). Abusive comments will still be reported, deleted and the user banned from this blog when necessary.

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