After speaking with my doctor today & apparently being able to convey the seriousness of the attacks from Steam, as well as my intentions to contact the police about the attacks (but only after I get the new articles published about the revictimization from Steam), she took concern about this & stated that I should get that police report filed as soon as possible, even offering to get me in contact with a Case Manager to aid in contacting the police & filing the report. I told her I would like to attempt to file the report myself, but she said she was going to have a Case Manager contact me about it regardless & she wanted me to speak with the individuals in that office that I do speak with (Doctor, Therapist & Case Manager) every week (rather than once every month). My next doctor appointment was scheduled to be in 2 weeks rather than the normal month later (give or take a week).
I will point out that this hasn't been discussed with only my Doctor & Therapist, but also friends, friends of friends, family, neighbors & so on. The discussion has gotten some of them extremely concerned that I might take my own life in response to the continuing attacks from Steam (and Steam Management's decision to support it when they issued restrictions against my own Steam account rather than doing anything about the organized attacks from Steam aggressors).
I'm not going to lie, the thought had crossed my mind, but there are 2 reasons why I don't see myself going through with what concerns those I've talked to about this:
- I haven't been pushed far enough yet (not yet anyways, but I don't expect we're far off).
- From a troll's perspective, if their attacks push somebody to take their own life, this is the BIGGEST victory for them; I'm not ready to give them that victory.
Ultimately, now that my Doctor is getting involved in this & getting an individual involved that may have some contacts to get this taken care of quicker, I expect the police report will be filed by the end of next week (if not sooner, considering I intend on doing so myself as soon as the new Steam revictimization article & boycott is published, but I'll ultimately need to discuss this with the Case Manager if I haven't done so before they contact me & that may push it getting filed before the new publications are up).
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