Thursday, February 21, 2019

Streams postponed due to illness (updated)

Streams are going to be put on hold for a while due to illness.  Normally streams are done every 1 to 3 days, but even if the Fortnite dailies are capped at 3, I currently don't have the energy to spend time playing games or the voice to reply to viewers (my voice is almost completely gone at this point), so I'm going to have to take a loss in the rewards from them until I can get over this sickness & at least have a voice to be able to respond to viewers again.  I might stream something else that I don't use voice in to reply to viewers (games that I know are going to be muted by Twitch in the archived streams due to soundtrack, KickBeat being a big one), but I won't say that for certain, right now I'm just going to have to play it day by day until I know what I'm going to have the energy to do & share with those that are following...

UPDATE:  What I ended up deciding was that I could still stream (when I have the energy to do so), but I won't be using voice.  This means that chat will be done over text in the game & responses to viewers will be done over text in the chat (when I get a chance to, this obviously means that responses will be delayed).  Of course the lack of energy is going to restrict how often & how long I can stream regardless, but this won't cut out streams entirely for 2 to 4 weeks at a time as I originally thought I was going to have to do.  It's a compromise & will result in a loss of quality & viewers/followers I'm sure, but those that have understanding of the situation, I think they'll be the ones that stick around.

Note that this also means I won't be on Discord (or at least won't be speaking if I do happen to be on it, responses can still be given over text).  Until I at least have a voice to be able to speak without having to strain my vocal cords to get a voice to come out, I'll have to limit what I'm attempting to do, even if it means lowered quality in what I'm able to provide in my streams...

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