Wednesday, February 27, 2019

2/27/2019 DDoS attacks

As is apparently to be expected, I can't even go a few days without getting hit by another DDoS attack.  The last one was on 2/23/2019, but didn't last long enough to write a blog post about it or have videos processed, it was resolved after I restarted by modem.

I've been hit by 2 DDoS attacks back-to-back tonight, both which ended streams early so I could reboot not only my modem, but also by router; the second time I went to reboot my modem, I didn't even get to rebooting it, it rebooted itself as a security protocol in response to the DDoS attack it was currently getting hit with.  As with every DDoS attack I get hit with, the details of them go public & backups of what those attacks cause are processed, re-uploaded & stored for permanent publication.

Again I'll throw out the details of the expected deviant being Twitch user iBreezyy, retaliatory organized attacks from the original situation on 2/19/2018 in Fortnite.  Full details regarding this ongoing vendetta can be found at  Taking this a step further, I will be filing another complaint against his Twitch channel, first without the new police report case number, then again after I have one that Twitch can reference with the law enforcement looking into the matter.

1st DDoS attack
YouTube version

25202 dropped frames at 21:09 (33.26%)

2nd DDoS attack
YouTube version

47979 dropped frames at 2:01:32 (10.97%)

The following complaint was filed against iBreezyy's channel before I embedded the first 2 videos above:
I have had DDoS interference with my streams twice in a row tonight, the last one actually causing my modem to force reboot (triggering the anti-DDoS security measure, this disconnected a phone call I was on due to being an Xfinity VOIP line).  iBreezyy is the individual that is expected to be behind these attacks, the original situation starting back during a griefing situation on 2/19/2018, followed up by an attack on my channel (including at least 4 different individuals, 3 he brought with him & I have a video of him organizing these attacks over his channel recorded on 3/22/2018, 2 days before he tried a second attack on my channel like the one only 5 days before, which failed due my enabling follower-only chat for a minimum of a month when I saw them coming for a repeat attack; that follower-only restriction stayed for over 2 months, until I decided to remove the Free Games list for abuse, that's currently a subscriber-only benefit on Patreon).  I will be filing another police report against this individual (either with my local police or with the Internet Crimes division of the FBI at, I will be filing a second report against this individual once I have a case number to go with it.  At this point, I'm lucky if I can go 1 day without having my streams on Twitch interfered with using this type of malicious behavior & that information gets published every day it happens with backups of what I am seeing on my end (not only do I stream to Twitch, I also record & keep backups of such situations, these nearly daily attacks giving good reason as to why I still have over a TB of data still backed up for over a decade), that's permanent publications that will not expire & will continue to increase until this internet criminal behavior is put to an end...
I am going to continue attempting to stream tonight despite the DDoS attacks, if only to get the dailies completed.  I have put my modem back into bridge mode hoping I'll be able to get the logs from my router & an IP address for which I can pair the attacks to (this should give the details necessary for an arrest).

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