Twitch user iBreezyy has been at my throat ever since the original griefing incident on 2/19/2018, where he decided to start griefing under the name of Aluuurt because I wouldn't give him guns when he started begging for him during this mission. The video evidence of that griefing was originally highlighted on Twitch, but later fell victim to a bug that caused highlights to expire at the same time the original video did (along with another griefing video or a user with the display name of Dr. Jew (luckily I had a local backup of the one of iBreezyy, so it was processed & re-uploaded to YouTube, seems the one on Dr. Jew got deleted & I was not able to restore that one). It has been over a year of continuous attacks organized through his channel & the DDoS attacks started around the time he got his second temporary Twitch ban (when I reported discriminatory accusations targeted at myself over his VOIP while he was streaming; the first temporary ban was also after I reported his channel for slander & organization of attacks during one of his live streams on 3/22/2018) & yet another of his Steam accounts getting hit with a VAC ban (after I reported it when he was aimbotting while streaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on his channel). While he seems to be attempting to keep any discussions of organized attacks out of his live streams (can't say the same thing for the racist/discriminatory discussions), it's obvious this internet criminal activity is still happening. Note that I have reported this to the police in the past & Twitch already had the case number on that report, however this hasn't resulted in any penalties on his account or an arrest yet...
At the end of 1 hour, 27 minute & 25 second stream (ended early due to the attack), dropped frames were a total of 3901 (1.24% of the stream). I decided it was time to get the video processed & published seeing as these videos getting published tend to get him to back off for a while. In the mean time I'll be looking for evidence in my modems logs to see if I have anything solid to give to the Internet Crimes Division of the FBI for an arrest.
YouTube version
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