Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Muted videos

Originally posted to Twitch 6/25/2017

Due to the sheer volume of games that are getting muted (some due to game soundtrack, others due to audio-misdetections, I've decided I'm going to take this another route rather than leaving my Past Broadcasts barren because I'm deleting them due to mutes:

Videos for games from boycotted companies will continue to be deleted at the end of each stream, however videos that I've noticed have mutes in them will have those videos uploaded to my personal site & linked over rather than deleting those videos directly after the stream ends (at least until I decide I'm tired of messing with it). Videos that were uploaded to my personal site in response to mutes on the archived streams will be deleted when the Past Broadcasts have expired on Twitch. One thing to remember however is this is going to use up quite a bit of my bandwidth, so until I start getting donations to help pay for an unlimited connection monthly, this is going to further limit how often I'm able to stream gameplay (not only to Twitch, but also over Steam).

Furthermore, I'm going to keep track of why videos are getting muted & keep details about every time it happens for my records (both public & unlisted); I won't worry about doing this step in games that have mutes due to imported music in them as this is a legitimate reason for the mutes. Of course logging this every time it happens also means it's going to take more time I would have to be gaming/streaming...

Some games I split gameplay videos into segments (done primarily because OBS appears to freeze while writing the video if it gets over 6 GBs), so you may notice some of them being in multiple videos, I may only upload portions of the stream that got muted. AVIs won't have the ability to be streamed from my site (only relevant if I edit it afterwards, which usually only means I cropped the important part, which could be normal if I'm only doing the muted sections), however MP4s should still have that ability; you can still download them by right-clicking on them & saving them to your hard drive to allow you to watch them multiple times (as well as after they've been deleted) without using additional bandwidth to watch them again. These videos are going to be very large files however (they're always better quality than what you see during my streams), so make sure you have remaining bandwidth for it.

Those who are IP-banned from my site (either because they attempted to hack, bot, DDoS or steal accounts from the site or myself or are in an IP-range of people that attempted to from within the same range), won't be able to access these videos unless they appeal the ban & the ban-range is adjusted (which will only happen if I don't find activity on your IP address in the raw access logs that shows you were attempting to access the site, this will require you giving your IP address so it can be checked; I do understand that IP ban-ranges can wrongfully ban people not responsible for that activity, which is why I have an appeal system in place)

It's been stated before why I don't just appeal the mutes? Well I have & the appeals never go anywhere, the videos literally getting past the expiration point (when in Past Broadcasts) before the appeal even comes to a conclusion, which means the appeal would have been pointless anyways. I gave up on trying to file appeals, currently I only use the information disclosed in it to list why a video was muted in my records.

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