Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Attacks continue, origin of vendetta confirmed

Originally posted to Twitch 9/30/2017

Seeing as the attacks are still continuing from this individual, I have decided I'm going to file a new complaint with IC3.gov, especially since his 18th troll account used to attack this channel actually tells me who he is & where this vendetta started. This new report will include details of where his lives (city & state) including his ISP & IP address at the time he chose to mock a review on my site (which gave me the opportunity to pull his IP address from the visitor logs, where he was the only person who had accessed that review that day).

Harassment reports to Twitch have gotten so extensive that I can no longer fit the details in the report form itself, I am now including supporting information through a shared folder on my Google Drive; considering Twitch is apparently having a hard time putting a stop to those attacks themselves, I am going to share that information here as supporting information my viewers/followers so they are informed not only as to why this is happening, but also so they can take their own measures against him should he start to attack their channels. This supporting information (header page) can be found at https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eayYGuF1LYUFD3j0wsXcDW-dc6KJIySAiwzY_cj-MHg & will continue to be updated and used in further reports to Twitch (perhaps also to the police) as this situation continues.

As far as the publication of the problem to http://www.wondergamer.net/Twitch/abuse/its_goon_baby.htm & updates of this supporting information, I'll be doing so as I have extra time, not immediately after attacks, seeing as the continuation of the attacks are so frequent, I would have no time to do anything else if I just focused on getting that information published every time a new attack came through.

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