Originally posted to Twitch 8/22/2017
Generally I am a helpful person, as many of my long time friends know & a good number of streamers where I helped them with audio problems, wrong game names (streaming a different game than the one listed) or no video. However after the situations with Ring_of_Favor & Mezigoto, it's become apparent that being a helpful person on Twitch my not be worth the trouble, especially if all that results in it is getting banned from those channels... At this point I won't be attempting to be helpful on Twitch anymore; if I see a problem with a stream, I'll just be taking my leave & let them figure it out for themselves. Of course this means no more game tips/advice either, despite the fact that I still have one individual on my list where I helped with some hacking methods in Saints Row IV (those who have played the game will know what I'm talking about).
This goes a bit further, however... Most of my follows & auto-hosts (not to mention some of my Twitch Friends) have been from those that either helped me in a stream or accepted the help I had to give them & showed they were appreciative of it (the latter not always being accurate however, as was proven in the case of Mezigoto). The fact that I will be avoiding helping others (based on the bans I have gotten from Ring_of_Favor & Mezigoto), this is going to cut out a good portion of additional streamers that I'm going to be following or auto-hosting from this point forward. I might still add friends from other networks (as has been the case from both Steam & PSN), but the add for being helpful is now null & void, it's an option that isn't worth the effort when the result is a penalty after I leave the stream. I may still add people if they are being helpful in my stream (as was the case the first time I played Salt), another case was when I was watching a streamer & he gave me details on getting an English version of the game he was streaming (even if it's not within my ability to get, I was still appreciative for the information & the effort he had taken to explain it), but the main function where I have followed & auto-hosted a channel will no longer be in effect, which will account for probably 95% of my follows & auto-hosts.
One other thing to point out is I tend to manually host others while watching random channels (usually while eating), I am going to cease that as well, as there are apparently too many streamers on Twitch that are trigger-happy to hit the ban button without a second thought about it. I'll also be disabling sharing of my status (what I'm watching) while watching random channels. After a few visits to their channel (if I haven't been banned for whatever reason they can dream up), I may follow (auto-hosting is unlikely however, at least not for some time until I have enough proof they aren't ban-crazy). Of course if it's a random channel & I don't get that follow on the first visit (which is something I'm no longer willing to do with the experiences I have had over the last few months & near endless attacks through abuse of the report function since the mockery stream on Ring_of_Favor's channel), it is unlikely I will be going back to their channel again.
I also won't be going to channels that my friends/followed/auto-hosted streamers are hosting, seeing as going to Ring_of_Favor's channel through gameskooled's hosting of his channel seems to be what started this entire toxic situation... If it isn't obvious, my opinion of Twitch (or at least the people that stream on here with hair-trigger ban-fingers) has been severely degraded by only 2 people; with perhaps millions of people streaming on Twitch, I really don't even want to try & guess what fraction are in the same category...
After the situation with Mezigoto, I am now using uBlock Origin to block channel that have a ban on me to make sure I won't be going back to them again & once I have figured out how to block those channels on my network, nobody connecting to it will be able to access channels I have blocked due to bans either. I am currently considering going through my own ban list & blocking each channel in the same manner also.
Generally I am a helpful person, as many of my long time friends know & a good number of streamers where I helped them with audio problems, wrong game names (streaming a different game than the one listed) or no video. However after the situations with Ring_of_Favor & Mezigoto, it's become apparent that being a helpful person on Twitch my not be worth the trouble, especially if all that results in it is getting banned from those channels... At this point I won't be attempting to be helpful on Twitch anymore; if I see a problem with a stream, I'll just be taking my leave & let them figure it out for themselves. Of course this means no more game tips/advice either, despite the fact that I still have one individual on my list where I helped with some hacking methods in Saints Row IV (those who have played the game will know what I'm talking about).
This goes a bit further, however... Most of my follows & auto-hosts (not to mention some of my Twitch Friends) have been from those that either helped me in a stream or accepted the help I had to give them & showed they were appreciative of it (the latter not always being accurate however, as was proven in the case of Mezigoto). The fact that I will be avoiding helping others (based on the bans I have gotten from Ring_of_Favor & Mezigoto), this is going to cut out a good portion of additional streamers that I'm going to be following or auto-hosting from this point forward. I might still add friends from other networks (as has been the case from both Steam & PSN), but the add for being helpful is now null & void, it's an option that isn't worth the effort when the result is a penalty after I leave the stream. I may still add people if they are being helpful in my stream (as was the case the first time I played Salt), another case was when I was watching a streamer & he gave me details on getting an English version of the game he was streaming (even if it's not within my ability to get, I was still appreciative for the information & the effort he had taken to explain it), but the main function where I have followed & auto-hosted a channel will no longer be in effect, which will account for probably 95% of my follows & auto-hosts.
One other thing to point out is I tend to manually host others while watching random channels (usually while eating), I am going to cease that as well, as there are apparently too many streamers on Twitch that are trigger-happy to hit the ban button without a second thought about it. I'll also be disabling sharing of my status (what I'm watching) while watching random channels. After a few visits to their channel (if I haven't been banned for whatever reason they can dream up), I may follow (auto-hosting is unlikely however, at least not for some time until I have enough proof they aren't ban-crazy). Of course if it's a random channel & I don't get that follow on the first visit (which is something I'm no longer willing to do with the experiences I have had over the last few months & near endless attacks through abuse of the report function since the mockery stream on Ring_of_Favor's channel), it is unlikely I will be going back to their channel again.
I also won't be going to channels that my friends/followed/auto-hosted streamers are hosting, seeing as going to Ring_of_Favor's channel through gameskooled's hosting of his channel seems to be what started this entire toxic situation... If it isn't obvious, my opinion of Twitch (or at least the people that stream on here with hair-trigger ban-fingers) has been severely degraded by only 2 people; with perhaps millions of people streaming on Twitch, I really don't even want to try & guess what fraction are in the same category...
After the situation with Mezigoto, I am now using uBlock Origin to block channel that have a ban on me to make sure I won't be going back to them again & once I have figured out how to block those channels on my network, nobody connecting to it will be able to access channels I have blocked due to bans either. I am currently considering going through my own ban list & blocking each channel in the same manner also.
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