Sunday, September 8, 2024

Switching Warframe clan & cleaning up of friend lists

This wasn't widely known by people that follow me on Twitch because I have yet to actually stream Warframe on Twitch, but I was accepted into the Aurora Gladiators clan roughly the end of March in 2023.  As of 9/8/2024 (possibly the day before, after I logged out; I wasn't given any notice about it when it happened), I am officially no longer a part of that clan & have since moved on to another clan.  Seems they are twisting statements I was saying in clan chat (in-game) to make it an offense to their clan rules, thus resulting in being booted from the clan...  I would suspect with the toxicity I got in a off-hand explanation, there's probably ban against my account in their clan as well (not that this is going to matter, I wouldn't be attempting to rejoin after the way they dealt with it anyways, much less recommending them).

One person in the clan that was still on my friend list (who I contacted to try & find out why the actions were taken on their part) ended up needing to be blocked based on accusations being made of my personal site while they were explaining why they believed I was kicked (the assumption on why I was kicked was an acceptable misunderstanding, but the toxic comments towards my site was what warranted I cut ties with him), but they told me to contact another Officer in the clan.  This officer was Deathrow, which unsurprisingly I couldn't contact over DM anymore, nor was I able to whisper them in game (not sure if I was typing their name wrong, all I know was the message wasn't going through & I wasn't able to pull their profile using chat commands).  I made sure to take screenshots of the discussion (should it be needed at a later date, possibly in a review of personal experience while I was in the clan) before I removed them as a friend & added them to my Ignore list (unfortunately Warframe doesn't have proper blocks, so I'll probably still run into them in the future); they were also removed as a friend & blocked on Discord shortly afterwards.

While I received no notice of a removal or even a warning, after speaking with Mike (shortened in-game name, not the full name), it seems the accusation is that I was self-promoting my Twitch channel (among other false-accusations about my site similar to the same degree of what was being stated when the mass-attacks from Steam trolls started).  Just because you say you have a channel, doesn't mean you are promoting it, however given the fact that I made a statement that I would be redirecting any giveaways through the clan (not actually doing giveaways in the clan yet, but it was a consideration when I had something decent I could give up) through my Twitch channel instead, I guess I could see how they could make a mistake of thinking it was a promotion (regardless of how it may have looked, it definitely wasn't intentional).

This could have also been retaliation to the statement that I wasn't going to be donating to the clan anymore (a decision that was decided roughly 4 months ago when it became clear a lot of people couldn't see my posts in clan chat), they were still gaining taxes on trades in the Dojo regardless.

An additional possibility could have been a discussion with Deathrow (again, not the full in-game name) the night of 7/28/2024 (I took screenshots to document the discussion), where I was offered an officer position in the clan (stating they had noticed my willingness to be helpful towards other newer members & even getting some positive statements about it, something I didn't expect with the negativity I was noticing), however I rejected the position, stating that I knew that a number of people already didn't want me in the clan & that I didn't feel I could be proficient as an officer if people couldn't even see what I was saying in clan chat (the lack of responses being a normal issue, particularly at night).

As stated before, I was already considering leaving the clan due to toxicity in it anyways (not to mention a negation of one of their Discord giveaways literally the day before; I'm guessing they thought I wouldn't notice it, but that's kind of hard to miss when I get notifications of mentions on my phone), so their actions just forced my decision to find a better one much quicker (I was probably going to leave before another week had passed anyways).  The individuals that I was intending on getting invites to the clan (friends I was trying to get into the game), obviously I won't be able to invite to that clan anymore (nor would I even recommend them at this point, I'd be more recommending against joining that clan), although I might be able to get invites to the new clan once those friends meet the requirements (I'll have to inquire on what is required later; I only joined a new one today & details are still not entirely clear, outside of it appears that taking part in events is mandatory).

In response to the forced-migration to a better clan, I've cleaned up my friend lists on Warframe & Discord (as well as placing a few blocks/ignores where necessary) to remove anybody I didn't recognize their names or recognized as added in Warframe (those that were a part of the toxicity in the Clan also got added to my block list if I had a discussion over DMs with them).  Many of those that were Twitch streaming buddies are still on the list, however I've removed a few that I added back during my Fortnite days (not specifically remembering much beyond what was in the DM), no blocks were issued against people that didn't deserve it however (I think only 2 blocks were placed on Discord after being booted, both a part of the former-Warframe clan).  If you've been removed from my friend lists & weren't a part of that clan, then I may re-add you on request (I should be able to start streaming again after the 17th after fiber is installed at my home, requests can be made in chat during streams, however due to the channel being on high alert from the Steam attacks, I may not add people if I don't recognize them as being on the list prior & not a part of that clan).

I will also be cleaning out messages I was keeping in my Inbox in Warframe (which were kept as reminders of when I receive a gift), seeing as pretty well ALL gifts in Warframe were from clan members & after their misguided removal, it's not going to be something I want to be remembering, nor does it have any remaining relevancy on friendships if they are still a part of that clan.

For the time being, I am going to hold off on giving the name of the new clan I am in, although it's possible to pull a user's profile in-game using chat commands, so I wouldn't be surprised to see members of that clan looking to cause problems with the new clan I have joined; Warframe permissions unfortunately are just too open when it comes to access & manipulation of information in their game (not to mention a limited ignore system rather than a proper block system).  I'm expecting I will be letting viewers on Twitch know what clan I have joined when I start streaming to Twitch again (estimated to be some time after the 17th when I have fiber transfer rates).  I may also end up sharing/publishing some of the screenshots of discussions I have backed up from when I was in the clan (possibly in a review of the clan on my personal site), but for the time being, I don't see it as necessary (that may change in the future).

Ultimately, I think the safest bet would be to create my own clan, even if it doesn't have a lot of members.  Getting booted from guilds/clans over misunderstandings is nothing uncommon & it's not something only I've become a victim of either, I've heard many other people state the same thing.  There's a reason why I would only ever play on my own Killing Floor server when I played the game, it avoided drama like this because I could deal with people that were causing problems (very rarely needing to, but there was those rare griefing cases).  Who knows, I might even manage to get it into featured clans, however any attempt to do this is going to be a very long ways down the line (not even sure Warframe will still be running by the time I attempt it), I have a long ways to go in the game before I can really even consider it...

UPDATE:  I ultimately decided to take this a step further, that being that now ANYBODY in the Aurora Gladiators clan or any other clan under it's alliance (The Gladiators Legion) are no longer welcome in my channels.  Between 2 to 5 AM after I had logged off, my IRC client picked up 3 of their members joining my channel, I would expect this is while they were deciding to boot me from the clan.  Note that I did not give a link when I mentioned I was going to be doing the giveaways on my channel rather than in the clan, these users must have looked it up themselves & the first one to have joined (not once, but twice, coming back roughly a half hour after they left the first time) has been verified as an officer of the clan based on comments left on the official Warframe forums (promoting their clans).  All 3 of those users were banned from the channel giving a reason showing that their clans & alliance are no longer welcome in the channel (this will also be public in the Now Playing section when Warframe details are in there).

Provided their clan members are only watching, not causing problems in chat & (DEFINATELY) don't disclose that they are in one of those clans, they won't be banned from the channel.  If it is determined that they are in one of the clans in that alliance however (currently including Aurora, Celestial, Darkfall, Lunar, Nightfall, Quantum, Radiant, Solar & Tempest from what I can find online) they will be banned from the channel on association with it as a result of the actions by their officers on 9/8/2024.

I was booted from the clan under the accusation that I was promoting my channel.  Given I'm currently banning all members of their alliance (one of the largest alliances in the game) spotted in my channel (and verified as a member of it), can they really still make that claim?

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Getting fiber, expecting to start up streams again

I received a phone call yesterday regarding fiber now being available in my neighborhood through CenturyLink (or more accurately, was available since March of 2022, so I'm getting notice roughly 2 and a half years late).  I have set up a date to have it installed, as well a getting my speeds updated to a fiber plan, so my 40 mbps download & 3 upload will be upgraded to 500 mbps both ways.  This means that streaming of online games will be an option again, so I'm expecting I will start streaming again once I have the new connection rates, as early as the 17th when it's installed.

Note that I no longer play Fortnite however (I don't even have this game installed anymore), not after Epic Games stole 4 years of my life from collecting V-Bucks for use in the Save the World mode (roughly 37,100 V-Bucks forcibly transferred to the Battle Royale mode, a mode I don't play).
I have been playing a lot of Warframe lately, so there's a very high likelyhood that this will be the first game I stream once I am able to do so again.
I am still looking for a decent method to be able to stream from console systems again (spending a lot of time & money on Nintendo Switch games after the attacks from Steam trolls started targeting me over multiple sites); it may require new hardware, but ultimately console system games could become a part of the Twitch channel again (if I can find something that actually works, Elgato still ignoring requests for the old Game Capture HD to be fixed with Twitch streaming).

One final note is that it appears health issues are still going to be playing a part in how long I will be able to stream...  After going back to my old surgeon, it's been determined that the masses that have to be removed are too big & is currently determined to be inoperable...  If I do go back to them again, I'm considering asking if skin grafting could be an option.  In any case, this issue is causing an ongoing issue that results in anemia as a result of loss of blood, so if I do get back to Twitch streaming, periods of how long I can stream for may be limited...

The other issue here is that because of the mass attacks from Steam, my channels are still on high alert & therefore high restrictions are still in place.  This shouldn't affect anybody who has an account over a year old, has followed the channel for over 6 months or has a verified phone number on their account, but for those who haven't met any of these conditions, chatting in the channel won't be an option...  These restrictions won't be reverted back to what is normal until 2 years after the last attack, which is currently expected to be 5/30/2026.  Additionally, permissions on my Discord server still remain as invite only & invites are only offered to those I trust on request, this will continue until the 2-year period has expired since the last attack from Steam trolls.

Due to cutoffs from certain PC gaming platforms, I will not be able to run games over their platforms until I am able to acquire a copy of Windows 10 (or higher) to be able to continue running these platforms & gain back the option to run games I already own over them (this includes a number of games that were updated since then & no longer run on Windows 7).  Due to my personal site & this blog being blacklisted on Bing, I am unwilling to put any more money into Microsoft, so any legitimate copy of a newer OS will only happen if gifted to me (I won't waste any of my own money on any more Microsoft products, this was also a deterant to getting an XBOX system when it was being considered, instead going back to Nintendo when I got a Switch).

Current games & platforms that I have confirmed as not runnable on my current OS include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Ubisoft Connect (formerly Uplay)
  • 7 Days to Die
  • For Honor 
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
  • No Man's Sky
  • Soulworker
Note that this is only a small portion of this list, there are plenty of other games that I haven't considered streaming or playiing yet & some games that aren't allowed to be streamed on Twitch or videos of those games uploaded to YouTube. I will continue adding to the list as I run into more games owned that I can no longer run.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Another attack against YouTube channel through abuse of the report function

On April 7th, I got an email about a removal of content from my YouTube channel, which was a recording of multiple people teabagging other players in Destiny (for PlayStation 3) recorded back in 2015 (it took me a while, but I was eventually able to locate my backup of the video, which was an exportation from Twitch, so the original better quality version is likely still on Twitch), which came through while I was trying to get some last minute tasks done in Warframe (which unfortunately I was unable to complete before the weekly reset).  It was these particular attacks why I made it a point to back up each & every video on YouTube/Twitch & link everything over to Steam to preserve the descriptions of each video, the latter I would suspect is what lead to it getting hit with the mass of Steam trolls apparently still looking for ways to penalize me over my online content (ousting people for who they are based on their actions in games or on various sites).

Note that this isn't the first time one of these videos have been hit with a takedown in the past (the first one being back in 2015), however there was never a publication about it to because it was successfully appealed & the removal reversed.  Of course I've been keeping backups for this particular reason, specifically so it could be re-uploaded if necessary (to another site if necessary, although it should still be on Twitch regardless).

If the appeal does fail, I do intend on re-uploading the video, however it will have a different title & description if I do (at least on YouTube if it gets re-uploaded there).

As with any other case, I document everything that happens & keep logs of it to not only publicize these injustices, but also to keep track of when it happens for myself.  On the latter point, this resets the 2-year monitoring date of the thread where these attacks started on Steam, now potentially ending on April 7th, 2026, including more IP bans are likely to be placed on my personal site (after I get a chance to go through raw access logs again & see if there has been any excessive access of the site, which I haven't been doing for a while, but knew I would ultimately have to when I saw certain names popping up in my IRC logs for my Twitch channel, those logs still being kept track of here).  As I stated, this is a potential ending date, which is likely only to be extended because the attacks clearly haven't ended yet & probably won't until arrests are made.

This will likely result in a restriction on YouTube for uploading larger videos (over 10 minutes) for 90 days as it has in the past, any new videos will be held onto & uploaded at a later date if necessary, making it a point that their publications were postponed due to the attacks that lead to the publication of this new channel update in each of those videos' descriptions.

This also puts a longer hold on the lockups that are affecting public joining of my Discord channel & the increased chat restrictions on my Twitch channel back to the new 2-year date previously mentioned in this article.  This means that new Discord members on my server will need to be issued a private invite link to join (and they'll only get that if I already trust them) & the chat restriction for Twitch accounts that don't have a verified phone number on their accounts will either have to be at least 6 months old or have followed for 3 or more months (previously at 1 week & 10 minutes prior to the mass attacks coming from Steam).

Needless to say, the restrictions in place on YouTube (non-visible channel ratings, blocked comments & my personal refusal to stream to YouTube due to easy-to-manipulate standards) will be a PERMANENT restriction, given YouTube is 1 of 2 sites where trolls have managed to manipulate the report functions in their favor (the other being Steam after the attack that succeeded on January 14th, 2024, which is now detailed on my Steam profile &  This also gives further reason why even though I've been on a waiting list for Google Fiber in my neighborhood for over 8 years (since moving to where I'm living now, there were a few years prior to that at the previous residence as well), I will be unlikely to switch to them when it does become available because I don't know that I can trust them with my payment information (probably the only exception I was going to make for paying for anything through them, but if the appeal fails, I will be looking at other options for my ISP when fiber does become available in my neighborhood)...

Regarding streaming

The lack of decent internet has been the primary reason why streaming has ended (or at least postponed indefinitely) on my Twitch channel, after switching from Xfinity back to CenturyLink (only to find they had the same problems that caused me to switch from them 4 years prior when I came back) & finding they do not offer a high enough upload rate to be effective in streaming online multiplayer games (Xfinity offering 10 mbps where I live now with the Boost plan, CenturyLink only offering 3 mbps at a higher cost), but perhaps somewhat effective for offline games.  Within a year of moving to my current residence (in 2016), CenturyLink (previously Qwest) were going door to door to tell people they were going to be putting in fiber, of course I was with Xfinity at the time & had some choice words for them when they came by to tell people; 8 years later, CenturyLink STILL has not followed through with their claim of putting in fiber in the neighborhood.

My father told me some time last year that there was a low income credit that was being offered through Xfinity, something that had me considering going back to them, but only if they weren't going to try & seek the early termination fees I had to file an FCC complaint against (their own staff telling me there wasn't a current active contract, only finding out after I had already had CenturyLink installed that they were hitting me for almost $200 in early termination fees); these fees were dropped through the FCC complaint, but Xfinity still refused to admit the actual reason for dropping them, giving another reason for it to try & save face (these details were published to in a review detailing the FCC complaint against them).  However I am finding that this credit may be a part of a federal affordability plan that may be getting killed this year, so this may kill any plans I have on going back to Xfinity if that is the case...

Unfortunately I just don't have access to a decent upload rate in my area that doesn't cost a fortune, I have to deal with what I have & this meant I was limited to uploads to YouTube for online games, which unsurprisingly is being attacked yet again (with a possible new publication regarding the attack to my personal site if it doesn't get reversed, making sure to take screenshots of each screen for it's publication if needed).

I believe it's time I contact Scripps news & ask them why gaming sites such as Steam (as well as PSN, I'll get into details about this at a later date) have not been getting the attention it should be regarding dangerous online environments for children (if it's this bad for me, you can only expect how detrimental this would be for a child).  This was previously stated in the ticket I filed with staff on Steam (apparently the only way anything that would get them to step in on it, using the report functions on Steam was getting very little done, if anything) & they were already aware of my intentions if the attacks didn't stop; while they may have been limited on Steam, it hasn't ended there, so it's time to make this a matter for the news to cover & hopefully start extending laws against social platforms to gaming platforms that also have these issues.

Pre-publication update

Before I managed to get this update published, I received an email from YouTube giving a decision on the appeal & this was that they were not going to reverse the decision against the video they decided to remove.  After spending roughly 2 hours typing all the information above, I wasn't simply going to remove it, so it's going to stay.  I will attempt to reupload the video with a different title & description.  If that fails, I will link over the video from Twitch to the Steam description since the video is still there & find another site to upload the backup to (probably adding another link to my YouTube channel to another media platform for videos that were moved after YouTube chose to allow the manipulation of their system).  There will also be another publication to regarding the allow manipulation of the report function by YouTube staff (aka Google staff).

EDIT:  Perhaps I should consider bringing up YouTube to Scripps also in regards to dangerous social platforms (they've already been mentioned on this particular point a number of times, I can still provide additional backup content regarding the matter however)...

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Possible aid from doctors to file police report against Steam trolls

After speaking with my doctor today & apparently being able to convey the seriousness of the attacks from Steam, as well as my intentions to contact the police about the attacks (but only after I get the new articles published about the revictimization from Steam), she took concern about this & stated that I should get that police report filed as soon as possible, even offering to get me in contact with a Case Manager to aid in contacting the police & filing the report.  I told her I would like to attempt to file the report myself, but she said she was going to have a Case Manager contact me about it regardless & she wanted me to speak with the individuals in that office that I do speak with (Doctor, Therapist & Case Manager) every week (rather than once every month).  My next doctor appointment was scheduled to be in 2 weeks rather than the normal month later (give or take a week).

I will point out that this hasn't been discussed with only my Doctor & Therapist, but also friends, friends of friends, family, neighbors & so on.  The discussion has gotten some of them extremely concerned that I might take my own life in response to the continuing attacks from Steam (and Steam Management's decision to support it when they issued restrictions against my own Steam account rather than doing anything about the organized attacks from Steam aggressors).

I'm not going to lie, the thought had crossed my mind, but there are 2 reasons why I don't see myself going through with what concerns those I've talked to about this:

  • I haven't been pushed far enough yet (not yet anyways, but I don't expect we're far off).
  • From a troll's perspective, if their attacks push somebody to take their own life, this is the BIGGEST victory for them; I'm not ready to give them that victory.

Ultimately, now that my Doctor is getting involved in this & getting an individual involved that may have some contacts to get this taken care of quicker, I expect the police report will be filed by the end of next week (if not sooner, considering I intend on doing so myself as soon as the new Steam revictimization article & boycott is published, but I'll ultimately need to discuss this with the Case Manager if I haven't done so before they contact me & that may push it getting filed before the new publications are up).

What was to be expected (why comments were disabled)

Putting things into perspective on what was to be expected when I did publish new videos to YouTube & this is in continuation to the harassment, internet stalking & doxing from Steam users (what Steam wouldn't deal with themselves & instead chose to revictimize by issues restrictions against a victim of mass-harassment starting on their platform), you can see in under an hour after these were published, they were already getting downvoted.  The YouTube channel gained 6 new subscribers since this harassment on Steam started & it was expected that most (if not all) of those new subscriptions were likely Steam trolls from that thread utilizing new video alerts to quickly cause more problems.  Even some of the comments from the trolls on that Steam thread stating they were waiting for me to upload new videos (which already gave me indication this would happen).

Ultimately, I expected the rating to drop much quicker (likely slower because of the time they were published, roughly 7 AM in the morning), but this is EXACTLY why comments were disabled on my YouTube channel (as well as I've stopped linking them to my Steam profile after being personally revictimized by Steam management).  Unfortunately this affects other options that were offered through comments (like higher quality downloadable versions on request or allowing users to respond when they were being called out for poor behavior, which had resulted in removing evidence videos in the past when a civil response is left), but in order to deal with the actions of the aggression from toxic Steam stalkers, this was a necessary step that now affects all viewers of the channel because of the illegal actions of those stalkers, and furthermore, Steam management's inactions to do anything notable to protect their users from it.


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Steam supports harassment, additional permissions locked up

On January 14, 2024, I woke up to find that Steam had apparently put restrictions on my primary Steam account, which showed they supported the harassment coming from their users on their platform:

These actions from Steam made it clear that they were no longer a trustworthy source for purchasing video games anymore.  I had already been holding off on new purchases from Steam due to the cutoff of Windows 7 becoming known half-way through 2023 (the exception being a couple of Platinum purchases in Warframe), but this makes the decision set in stone, there won't be any more purchases being made through Steam anymore (I don't even feel I can trust them to have access to my payment information, so any F2P purchases that would have been made using the Steam API will be done directly through the company, no longer through Steam because Steam benefits on those purchases are no longer a bonus when I can't trust the company).

Once I found out about these restrictions, a number of things started happening to start negating information from my Steam profile, in addition to cutting ties from Steam over other sites:

  • All other voluntary information, showcases & optional information was removed from my Steam profiles.
  • A slew of comments were posted to my profile regarding this matter & additional steps that were being taken in response to it.
  • All self-posted comments in the thread where these attacks that have been happening since October of 2023 were self-deleted.
  • My Steam wishlist was cleared out, given it was clear I wouldn't be putting any more money into Steam after the revictimization. 
  • My Steam profiles were stripped down to basic display options, no longer showing additional profile display options I had earned or purchased using account points.
  • The Steam Facebook page was blocked.
  • Referral traffic from Steam domains to my personal site are now blocked, resulting in a ban message.
  • My Twitch channel was updated to disclose details about the revictimization & why streams of Steam-exclusive games won't be done on that channel anymore.  Streaming of Steam games may still happen, but links that would lead to purchases of Steam versions will no longer be provided when streaming those games.
  • Chat restrictions on my Twitch channel now prohibit links to Steam domains.
  • Chat restrictions for Twitch accounts that don't have a phone number on them now have the highest restriction available before they can participate in chat:
    • Chatters without a verified phone number must have accounts older than 6 months (previously 1 week).
    • Chatters without a verified phone number must have followed for more than 3 months (previously 10 minutes).
  • A new command was added to the StreamElements bot that responds to mentions of Steam with details of why it's no longer a trustworthy gaming platform I'm willing to purchase from anymore.
  • Giveaways were discontinued on my Twitch channel (given they only included Steam activation keys or giftable guest passes anyways)
  • All Steam activation keys were disabled in the StreamElements store for my Twitch channel.
  • Comments were FULLY disabled on my YouTube channel, along with a post in the Community section of the channel explaining why this happened.  This hid any existing comments that were on the channel, as well as negates any option of a user disputing a video calling them out for poor behavior in games.
  • Open joining of my Discord channel was disabled, now only being allowed through private invitation using expiring invitation links.

Additional articles are expected to be published to giving details about the ongoing harassment, internet stalking, doxing by Steam users & revictimization from Steam management, but will have to come later when I have managed to catch up on some other tasks that have been getting put off for a few days already.

Despite removing the original comments from that thread where the targetted harssement started, that thread is still be monitored & I will continue to document the harassment, given that harassment is going to be evidence when this matter is reported to police seeking action against the criminal actions of Steam's users & potentional fines against the platforms that refused to do anything when reports were filed.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Discord access currently private invite only

After getting past messages fixed on my Discord server, I noticed that the one individual that was still on the server (joining when these attacks were active) had apparently passed around links to other Twitch channels that aided me in getting affiliate status (following me to a Discord server through one of those channels, attempting to add & message me, at which point I contacted the owner of that server, which resulted in them being banned from it because they had also attempted to do the same with them).  That individual was booted from my server & permanent invite links were revoked.  Until the attacks have died down, invites to my Discord server will be private invite only using expiring links.