Sunday, September 8, 2024

Switching Warframe clan & cleaning up of friend lists

This wasn't widely known by people that follow me on Twitch because I have yet to actually stream Warframe on Twitch, but I was accepted into the Aurora Gladiators clan roughly the end of March in 2023.  As of 9/8/2024 (possibly the day before, after I logged out; I wasn't given any notice about it when it happened), I am officially no longer a part of that clan & have since moved on to another clan.  Seems they are twisting statements I was saying in clan chat (in-game) to make it an offense to their clan rules, thus resulting in being booted from the clan...  I would suspect with the toxicity I got in a off-hand explanation, there's probably ban against my account in their clan as well (not that this is going to matter, I wouldn't be attempting to rejoin after the way they dealt with it anyways, much less recommending them).

One person in the clan that was still on my friend list (who I contacted to try & find out why the actions were taken on their part) ended up needing to be blocked based on accusations being made of my personal site while they were explaining why they believed I was kicked (the assumption on why I was kicked was an acceptable misunderstanding, but the toxic comments towards my site was what warranted I cut ties with him), but they told me to contact another Officer in the clan.  This officer was Deathrow, which unsurprisingly I couldn't contact over DM anymore, nor was I able to whisper them in game (not sure if I was typing their name wrong, all I know was the message wasn't going through & I wasn't able to pull their profile using chat commands).  I made sure to take screenshots of the discussion (should it be needed at a later date, possibly in a review of personal experience while I was in the clan) before I removed them as a friend & added them to my Ignore list (unfortunately Warframe doesn't have proper blocks, so I'll probably still run into them in the future); they were also removed as a friend & blocked on Discord shortly afterwards.

While I received no notice of a removal or even a warning, after speaking with Mike (shortened in-game name, not the full name), it seems the accusation is that I was self-promoting my Twitch channel (among other false-accusations about my site similar to the same degree of what was being stated when the mass-attacks from Steam trolls started).  Just because you say you have a channel, doesn't mean you are promoting it, however given the fact that I made a statement that I would be redirecting any giveaways through the clan (not actually doing giveaways in the clan yet, but it was a consideration when I had something decent I could give up) through my Twitch channel instead, I guess I could see how they could make a mistake of thinking it was a promotion (regardless of how it may have looked, it definitely wasn't intentional).

This could have also been retaliation to the statement that I wasn't going to be donating to the clan anymore (a decision that was decided roughly 4 months ago when it became clear a lot of people couldn't see my posts in clan chat), they were still gaining taxes on trades in the Dojo regardless.

An additional possibility could have been a discussion with Deathrow (again, not the full in-game name) the night of 7/28/2024 (I took screenshots to document the discussion), where I was offered an officer position in the clan (stating they had noticed my willingness to be helpful towards other newer members & even getting some positive statements about it, something I didn't expect with the negativity I was noticing), however I rejected the position, stating that I knew that a number of people already didn't want me in the clan & that I didn't feel I could be proficient as an officer if people couldn't even see what I was saying in clan chat (the lack of responses being a normal issue, particularly at night).

As stated before, I was already considering leaving the clan due to toxicity in it anyways (not to mention a negation of one of their Discord giveaways literally the day before; I'm guessing they thought I wouldn't notice it, but that's kind of hard to miss when I get notifications of mentions on my phone), so their actions just forced my decision to find a better one much quicker (I was probably going to leave before another week had passed anyways).  The individuals that I was intending on getting invites to the clan (friends I was trying to get into the game), obviously I won't be able to invite to that clan anymore (nor would I even recommend them at this point, I'd be more recommending against joining that clan), although I might be able to get invites to the new clan once those friends meet the requirements (I'll have to inquire on what is required later; I only joined a new one today & details are still not entirely clear, outside of it appears that taking part in events is mandatory).

In response to the forced-migration to a better clan, I've cleaned up my friend lists on Warframe & Discord (as well as placing a few blocks/ignores where necessary) to remove anybody I didn't recognize their names or recognized as added in Warframe (those that were a part of the toxicity in the Clan also got added to my block list if I had a discussion over DMs with them).  Many of those that were Twitch streaming buddies are still on the list, however I've removed a few that I added back during my Fortnite days (not specifically remembering much beyond what was in the DM), no blocks were issued against people that didn't deserve it however (I think only 2 blocks were placed on Discord after being booted, both a part of the former-Warframe clan).  If you've been removed from my friend lists & weren't a part of that clan, then I may re-add you on request (I should be able to start streaming again after the 17th after fiber is installed at my home, requests can be made in chat during streams, however due to the channel being on high alert from the Steam attacks, I may not add people if I don't recognize them as being on the list prior & not a part of that clan).

I will also be cleaning out messages I was keeping in my Inbox in Warframe (which were kept as reminders of when I receive a gift), seeing as pretty well ALL gifts in Warframe were from clan members & after their misguided removal, it's not going to be something I want to be remembering, nor does it have any remaining relevancy on friendships if they are still a part of that clan.

For the time being, I am going to hold off on giving the name of the new clan I am in, although it's possible to pull a user's profile in-game using chat commands, so I wouldn't be surprised to see members of that clan looking to cause problems with the new clan I have joined; Warframe permissions unfortunately are just too open when it comes to access & manipulation of information in their game (not to mention a limited ignore system rather than a proper block system).  I'm expecting I will be letting viewers on Twitch know what clan I have joined when I start streaming to Twitch again (estimated to be some time after the 17th when I have fiber transfer rates).  I may also end up sharing/publishing some of the screenshots of discussions I have backed up from when I was in the clan (possibly in a review of the clan on my personal site), but for the time being, I don't see it as necessary (that may change in the future).

Ultimately, I think the safest bet would be to create my own clan, even if it doesn't have a lot of members.  Getting booted from guilds/clans over misunderstandings is nothing uncommon & it's not something only I've become a victim of either, I've heard many other people state the same thing.  There's a reason why I would only ever play on my own Killing Floor server when I played the game, it avoided drama like this because I could deal with people that were causing problems (very rarely needing to, but there was those rare griefing cases).  Who knows, I might even manage to get it into featured clans, however any attempt to do this is going to be a very long ways down the line (not even sure Warframe will still be running by the time I attempt it), I have a long ways to go in the game before I can really even consider it...

UPDATE:  I ultimately decided to take this a step further, that being that now ANYBODY in the Aurora Gladiators clan or any other clan under it's alliance (The Gladiators Legion) are no longer welcome in my channels.  Between 2 to 5 AM after I had logged off, my IRC client picked up 3 of their members joining my channel, I would expect this is while they were deciding to boot me from the clan.  Note that I did not give a link when I mentioned I was going to be doing the giveaways on my channel rather than in the clan, these users must have looked it up themselves & the first one to have joined (not once, but twice, coming back roughly a half hour after they left the first time) has been verified as an officer of the clan based on comments left on the official Warframe forums (promoting their clans).  All 3 of those users were banned from the channel giving a reason showing that their clans & alliance are no longer welcome in the channel (this will also be public in the Now Playing section when Warframe details are in there).

Provided their clan members are only watching, not causing problems in chat & (DEFINATELY) don't disclose that they are in one of those clans, they won't be banned from the channel.  If it is determined that they are in one of the clans in that alliance however (currently including Aurora, Celestial, Darkfall, Lunar, Nightfall, Quantum, Radiant, Solar & Tempest from what I can find online) they will be banned from the channel on association with it as a result of the actions by their officers on 9/8/2024.

I was booted from the clan under the accusation that I was promoting my channel.  Given I'm currently banning all members of their alliance (one of the largest alliances in the game) spotted in my channel (and verified as a member of it), can they really still make that claim?

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