Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Steam harassment continues...

The harassment on Steam has picked up again after Steam management started allowing comments on the thread where this original situation started (as was to be expected when I first noticed they were allowing comments in that thread again). It looks at this point that the higher restrictions on the Twitch channel and private Discord is likely going to become permanent, seeing as Steam management can't get their shit together in putting a stop to it.

The end of the heightened alert status is now pushed back to February 22nd, 2027 (determined by the date of the last comment considered as being abusive & deceiving in that thread). The reality of it, however, is that I don't believe we will ever get to the end of the heightened alert period with the continued attacks, so just expect that this status will be indefinitely extended and probably never end... There will be no more updates about pushbacks to this date on this blog, but the expiration date will be listed on the Twitch channel itself (and continue to be pushed back as necessary).

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Comments are currently disabled in response to continuing attacks against multiple personal profiles/channels across the web, starting in mid-2023. Any comments that are submitted will be immediately rejected until the high alert status has ended (currently set for 1/28/2027, further updates/pushbacks on this date will be posted to the blog). Abusive comments will still be reported, deleted and the user banned from this blog when necessary.

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.