Saturday, April 2, 2022

Additional cutoffs, another emote removed

On 4/2/2022, I decided to extend the boycott to games that were developed using Epic Games technology, meaning that any game that uses the Unreal Engine is now included in the boycott that started as a result of their cutoff of V-Bucks from the Save the World mode in Fortnite, meaning I won't be supporting channels that stream those games or purchasing any new games that use that engine (being grounds for placing those games on ignore on Steam until Epic Games decides to do something about their decision that drove me off from their game & avoid any purchases that would put my money in their wallet).  In addition to this, another emote was removed from my channel (Killing Floor's Fleshpound emote), as well as I've added more games to the "Discontinued streams" section of my Game List (the re-written one, which I started when the Game List plug-in stopped working correctly).

Additional emotes will be removed or restricted from the channel as I find more games that were developed using Epic Games technology, as well as their games being restricted from being streamed on my own channel or hosted from others (possibly leading to unfollows of channels I was following and/or removal of those channels from my auto-host list, even if it's only temporary until Epic Games pulls their heads out of their ass & decides to fix the problem they caused with stealing V-Bucks from StW-only players & locking them in a mode they don't play).

EDIT:  Channels on my Discord for games developed/published by Epic Games, exclusive to the Epic Games platform or developed using their technology have already been set to private & are currently inaccessible.

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