Thursday, March 31, 2022

Decision final, Fortnite boycott started, Fortnite emotes removed from channel

I was going to just update the last post, but considering the response from their support was enough to only solidify the decision that I was done with Fortnite (and unwilling to make any new purchases over the Epic Games platform), I determined a new post was going to be necessary.  In their response, they were clearly trying to be polite in their response, but ultimately I ran into a dead end on getting anything done:

Note that the support ticket was closed even before they sent the response above.

This decision is the ultimate end of my playing Fortnite and seeing as I won't have the game installed anymore, I won't be checking to see if an option to convert in the game will be added later, but will welcome any update from those that I made as friends in the game if they have the time to let me know if this changes.  In addition to the decision that I was done messing with this situation as a result of their poor decision to lock V-Bucks to the BR mode, I also sent the following response:

Then my decision is clear (based on your response); I am no longer your customer (any new purchases over the Epic Games launcher will not be happening on my account), a player/streamer of Fortnite (possibly no other games exclusive to the Epic Games launcher either) & will be working on a new public boycott against Fortnite, which includes supporting of other channels that stream Epic Games exclusive games on Twitch or focus primarily on game content exclusive to the Epic Games launcher on YouTube (given that most of the channels on my channel stream nothing but Epic Games exclusive games, I'll probably just disable auto-hosting until I find other channels to add), as well as removing Fortnite emotes I had created for use on my own channel.
I will be uninstalling the game directly after this response is sent, the new boycott expected to be published within a few days, as well as updating my review of the Save the World mode to show that I have since stopped playing the game (not even having it installed anymore) as a result of a change that stole 4+ years of my gaming life in re-assigning the premium currency I was collecting for use in StW to a mode that I was avoiding (for various reasons), collection of those V-Bucks being one of the few things that kept me playing it (associating those V-Bucks to 4-5 years of my life that has been stolen from me by forcing them to be locked in a mode that I don't play).

As for your statement of "continued support", any support that "was" there is now gone; I can not support a game or it's publishers (or in this case, their developers, as this was a development decision) when a decision this detrimental is made to a person that only plays StW, so your statement ends any support I have for the game or your company from this point forward, unless I see otherwise that I have access to what I was collecting in the mode I was collecting it for use in, (meaning considering I won't even have it installed anymore, either I need a notice that the conversion has happened or I will need a statement from other players of the game that they are allowed to spend V-Bucks towards llamas again, which has been the same situation in Genshin Impact regarding the lack of vertical invert, their lack of response towards the inquiry to add it & my unwillingness to even start it up without it, much less do the updates to even check for it; of course I won't be going to those channels while they are streaming personally boycotted games, so it will have to be over private messages from friends I have made in the game if I'm going to get any notice of such a change that might bring me back & make me even consider purchases over your platform again).

As stated in that response, because there is now a boycott active against Fortnite (and quite possibly any other Epic Games exclusive games, I haven't quite decided if I'm going to go through with that yet as I started streaming Dauntless myself, but there's a high probability that I will), I will be removing the Raven emote from my channel.  Given this was the emote that I was keeping in the 1000 bits slot on my channel (which 3 cheerers had achieved, given them permanent access to that emote), I will need to ask the bit leader which emote they would prefer to have access to (this is a benefit on my channel exclusive to the bit leader, they can reorder emotes on the channel on request).

If there are any more updates regarding my going back to Fortnite, it will be done on this blog, but it seems unlikely that this decision is going to be reversed...

I half-expect there may be retaliation to the response I sent them, which could quite possibly result in an account closer, which would result in the boycott definitely including all games exclusive to the Epic Games launcher (possibly on the Epic Games platform at all), but would go a step further, meaning all games developed using their technology (meaning the Unreal Engine), so may other developers & publishers would also be affected if the boycott against Epic Games goes into FULL EFFECT.

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