Thursday, September 2, 2021

Other Twitch function cutoffs

In addition to the cutoff of being able to stream as subscriber-only (as well as marking VODs as subscriber only) I've found that other functions on my account are also getting disabled (and not functions that are affiliate specific).  2 more options I noticed to have been disabled as early as 8/29/2021 include stream summary emails from Twitch (after completion of a steam, still receiving these from StreamElements however) & auto-hosting (these appear to no longer be kicking in; I've double-checked to make sure it's been turned on, as well as making sure that channels I believed should be getting auto-hosted when they are live are still only my list).

It's pretty clear something is happening here that Twitch is neglecting to inform me of in regards to my channel & I fully expect this is a result of falsified reports...  In the mean time, there's little I can d about it myself to get it resolved when I am being given the run around other than making publications on my channel & blog so people are aware that it's not my doing that they may appear to have been gotten cut off from my constant support of their channels (despite my ability to be able to continue streaming)...

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