Thursday, December 10, 2020

Epic Games launcher "no connect" workaround; boycott restrictions lowered, but not gone yet

Finally managed to get back into the Epic Games launcher today (attempting to troubleshoot it again after Epic Games opened a new support ticket with me in response to the BBB complaint against them for not being able to connect for over a month), however I had to use the 2 year old installer & patch back up as can be seen in this video.  This installer is being provided through this blog to allow others that may still be experiencing this problem with being able to connect (seeing as installer v10.19.2 won't connect for those getting hit by it).

Despite being able to now connect, I'm still waiting to see if they are going to allow me to gain Clip in Fortnite (seeing as their connection issue prevented me completing the final one-fifth of the task necessary to get her when the launcher patch on 10/28/2020 prevented me from being able to log into the launcher for well over a month), I'm not willing to go back to purchasing from their platform otherwise (all other steps in the boycott has been dropped however, only this one remains).

In addition to the remaining point of the boycott (if they don't decide to give me what I got ripped off for), this still affects who I'm supporting on Twitch when they are streaming Epic Games exclusive games, but no longer when an Epic Games developed/published game is available on other platforms, nor does it affect games created with the Unreal Engine anymore.

Regarding the emotes that were removed from my channel, I am going to reinstate the Fleshpound (Killing Floor) emote, however the Raven (Fortnite) emote will not be reinstated until I've managed to gain Clip in Save the World).  This ultimately means that the Fleshpound emote that was gained at 5000 bits on the channel will be moved to 1000 bits & vice versa for the Raven emote (provided I don't put something else in the 5000 bits emote slot first, depends on how long it takes to acquire that Hero, which could be never if Epic Games gives me the finger on getting her due to their technical issue with the launcher).

EDIT:  I've been told that the mirror on Google Drive isn't working, so I've created a secondary mirror using my personal site.  For the time being, this file type (MSI) is not restricted, but I may change that later if I find download sites are defrauding my website of credit for hosting a mirror again (this has already been done with RAR & ZIP files, which can only be downloaded if the originating traffic is from the website itself).

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