Sunday, November 29, 2020

Epic Games launcher still busted, emotes retired & BBB complaint filed in response to no fix

In response to Epic Games' lack of commitment to keep their client functional & refusal to even give a response to the launcher connection issue on their Facebook page (or even provide a new installer that might connect to their servers to complete an initial installation), it's been determined that it was time to file a BBB complaint against them for funds lost on purchases over their platform that are no longer accessible (this was already determined once it hit the 1 month mark if not resolved by then).  Additional complaints will be filed to the FCC at 2 months, then to Internet Crimes at 3 months.  Further details about the BBB complaint will be published later to my personal site once I have time to add it to the site as a new review of Epic Games.

Additionally, it was determined that it was time to retire both the Raven (Fortnite) & Fleshpound (Killing Floor) emotes from the channel (the Killing Floor emote being removed due to the fact the game uses the Unreal Engine, meaning they paid Epic Games a licensing fee to be able to use it in their game).  These may come back in the future, but only if the launcher ever becomes functional again & only if I managed to obtain anything that was released new while this technical issue kept me from getting back into Fortnite to acquire them (that means there will need to be another StW birthday event, which I don't particularly see happening, so I don't expect I will be ending my boycott against them either).

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