Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Epic Games launcher logins busted

While I haven't had the option to stream games like Fortnite or Dauntless since switching to CenturyLink (not having enough upload rate since switching from Comcast after they raised my monthly bill when I moved my phone number to another service), I've still been playing it & people who have joined through my Discord have the option to join me through it if you are on my friend list (focusing mainly on V-Bucks missions & dailies; gaining Clip has become a priority after those other tasks, prehaps the first real task that has given me any reason to have interest in the Ventures mode in Fortnite StW).

Today I found that I had been logged out of the Epic Games client & was not able to log back in, despite how many attempts I made to log back in:

Video version

Because of this, I may be looking at doing a stream for games on another platform to pass the time until Epic Games can correct this issue (while streaming of online multiplayer options will not be an option until I have decent internet again, streaming of offline games is still an option & there's been a number of games on my backlog to play or complete with other games that I haven't gone back to because of spending most of my waking hours in games like Pokemon GO, Fortnite & Dauntless).

Outside of what I've been doing in my free time (gaming mostly, when I'm awake or not resting anyways), I am still dealing with the same health issues that limited my game time almost a year prior to stopping my streaming on Twitch (fully stopping on online multiplayer games when I no longer had internet capable of being able to stream those games at a decent quality without a significant hinderance on latency), something I still need surgery for to correct (which has also been put on hold due to the corona situation, so we could be looking at over a year before I get back to even normal gaming, much less streaming).

CenturyLink was going door to door in my neighborhood stating they were putting in fiberoptics lines maybe 3 or 4 years ago when I moved to this neighborhood, which I chewed them out on because at the time I had switched to Comcast due to their poor customer service (bouncing me back & forth between departments 10 times before I decided I was done with them in 2014).  As of yet, CenturyLink still has not followed through with their statement of getting fiber internet in our area...  When I was with CenturyLink before, they offered an upload rate of 20 mbps, now they only offer 3 upload rate (which is down from the higher priced 10 mbps upload rate I had with Comcast, but it was only 2 mbps if I didn't pay for the "boost" speeds).  I am hoping that sooner or later Google Fiber will get off their butts & work towards making their service available in my area of residence, at which point I'm intending on switching to their service; this will also end the boycott I have on putting my payment information on any of their services (such as Google Play) that started when they allowed Bandai/Namco to abuse the report system to hit my YouTube channel twice over a 2 month period (the second time also being the Live page on my channel, this time being when it wasn't even active, meaning they would have had to access it by entering the address manually into a browser, which constitutes as internet stalking & harassment as far as I'm concerned).

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