Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Epic Games cut off due to technical issues; changes to Twitch channel regarding bonuses & statuses

After several hours of attempting to connect to servers, I decided it was time to start troubleshooting the issue.  Uninstalling the Epic Games launcher & reinstalling with the latest installer from their site did nothing (it couldn't even connect to servers to complete the initial installation with the new installer), I did however find I had a backed up installer from 2 years ago (this would be when I was troubleshooting the issue back during the 3 week period the FortniteLauncher executable was crashing & the Rat King AR was on the event store in Fortnite Save the World, which I ended up missing while it was in the store as a result of that issue, only getting lucky enough to get it during the next birthday event).  This old installer was at least able to connect to servers after the initial installation & updated to the latest version, but again resulted in the same issue of not being able to connect to servers after being updated.

At this point, I have republished the boycott against Epic Games as a result of the issue they have caused, this publication can be found here.  Whether I remove the boycott this time around will be dependent on whether I'm able to acquire Clip or not (this is looking to be another repeat of what happened with the Rat King AR 2 years ago).  If I am not able to acquire Clip, then the boycott page will remain even if the issue is resolved & only removed if I managed to acquire her during the next birthday event (provided there is another birthday event, which is doubtful when you consider the game no longer even has functional reporting anymore, the game is more likely to be killed before it sees another yearly event).

Additionally, seeing as a boycott is now active against Epic Games, I have disabled auto-hosting on my Twitch channel & will not be re-enabling it until at least the connection issue is resolved, this will be so I can prevent games developed or published by Epic Games, games run over their platform or games devevloped with the Unreal Engine from getting auto-hosted on my channel.  Once the connection issue is resolved, I may re-enable the auto-hosting, but whether I allow games that have any affiliation with Epic Games to continue being hosted will be dependent on whether I'm able to acquire Clip (the new Outlander) or not.  If not acquired by the end of the event, auto-hosting will be disabled again & any game published or developed by Epic Games (regardless of platform), any game being played from the Epic Games platform (regardless of developer or publisher) or any game that uses the Unreal Engine (regardless of developer or publisher) will be treated the same as I have been treating games from other boycotted companies, which means removal of those channels from my auto-host list & disabling "going live" notifications from those channels (they can be added to auto-host again later, but it's a temporary removal based on streaming of games from companies I am boycotting).

On the flip side, because this is preventing me from playing the online multiplayer games that I would be playing if not for this issue, I may started streaming to Twitch again, but those streams will be limited to single player games (due to lack of decent upload rate since the ISP switch).  In each of those streams, there will be an indication as to why I'm not playing anything over the Epic Games platform (not to mention a command & auto-response set up in chat giving details why streaming of those games won't be an option if I can't even connect to their launcher, or rather, to their servers with the update they did to the launcher) until resolved (boycotted companies typically have spam filters set up on links to their sites as well, which will cause comments by thsoe viewers to get auto-purged when placed in chat).

On another note, it's been over 3 years (if not closer to 3.5) since I've gained affiliate status on Twitch & still have not been able to reach the minimum ($100) for a single cashout through Twitch (at least there's been success in this regard over Patreon).  It's been determined that if what has already been gained towards the channel is negated & Twitch takes the full amount of the gain, any bonus points that were gained through subs, cheers or affiliation status gains will be revoked (this is one of the reasons I keep track of all cheers & subs I get, I've had to ban 1 person that reversed a sub after they subbed).  Points that were gained through viewing or sub multipliers on subs will remain, those won't be removed, but with the revocation of bonuses for cheers & subs, this will also affect who I have on auto-host, as well as who has VIP status in the channel (not to mention this could also affect your role on my Discord server).

Outside of bonus points on my own channel, I've started becoming active with Amazon Prime (for the fast delivery & less spent on delivery costs), this means that I'll be getting prime subs I can throw around each month that I'm paying for it, which is more than I've been doing in supporting channels through just hosts, auto-hosts & lurks (lurks now being limited due to limited bandwidth after the ISP change).  This won't be every month, only when I need to order more from Amazon than I think I can cover with free shipping, however I have already paid for one month & intend on another, so that will be a second prime sub I will have to toss next month (provided I haven't decided I won't need it before the next renewal period).  Which channels I support is usually based on the support those channels show to my own & if Twitch does choose to revoke any gains that may have made towards my channel, that will also removal special statuses I may have previously given (let's face it, what's in my StreamElements store was acquired through my own money, I can't really be throwing that away when I'm not making anything to replace it); the points are a way to compensate the good nature of people who show support to my channel & allow me to at least be successful to some point (which so far the only success I have had was gaining affiliate with the help of 3 larger Fortnite StW streamers, no real success over Twitch itself beyond that point & 2 of those streamers no longer even stream Fortnite).

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