Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Unlisted videos being relisted on YouTube

After the blacklisting of WonderGamer.net & this blog from the Bing search engine (as well as all other search engines powered by Bing), it was determined it was time to set a number of the unlisted videos on my YouTube channel back to public (previously being set to unlisted in response to attacks by certain companies).  While the non-gaming videos still remain as unlisted on the channel (even after attacks from said companies), the video game videos have been relisted as public.  It's expected this will result in even more retaliation from those companies that have attacked the channel in the past, however they are likely already aware of articles I have published in the past of their attacks trying to cover up negative publicity of their products (or the companies themselves), I'm certain they will be well-aware that further articles will be published in the future if they continue this same type of anti-consumer censoring.

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