Thursday, February 3, 2022

Community tab disabled on YouTube channel

On 2/3/2022, I noticed that the Community tab on my YouTube channel was no longer present (probably gone for some time).  Doing an online search would give indication that this function is only available to those with over 500 subscribers (regardless of whether they had access to it prior or not).

I was using that section for updates regarding the YouTube channel (which has probably all been wiped at this point, can't even see what was on it anymore even in my YouTube dashboard), it looks like I am going to have to do the same as I had to do with Twitch when they removed their Feed function & start running written updates on an external site (which is what is seen here).  As of yet, I haven't determined if I am going to create a new blog for it, I might just create a list of posts related to the YouTube channel farther down the right-hand side of the page.

The YouTube channel is used more for highlight backups of streams on Twitch, but due to health issues that have prevented me from being able to stream much over the past couple years, it's still serving as a place for gaming highlights (or when it's necessary to display somebody for who they are as being a troll or griefer), just more for highlights recorded when I'm gaming (even if I wasn't streaming).

I still want to get back into being a regular streamer on Twitch again, however due to the whole COVID situation, medical resources are strapped tight & I'm unable to get my surgery taken care of (I've been trying to set this up for over 2 years already).  Without going into too many specifics, the surgery is necessary to stop a bleeding issue, which leaves me with a lack of energy as a result of daily anemia from that blood loss.  Until I can get this issue resolved, extended time gaming won't be possible & having to walk away from the PC to deal with these health issues is a common distraction from what would make it possible to continue being a streamer on Twitch...  I might try to do streams occasionally when I feel I have enough energy to do so (I know I've tried setting up to stream in the last few months, but didn't have the energy to do so before I was ready to start streaming), but there's no guarantee on how long I'll be able to stream if I am able to get started, so we're just going to have to play it by ear until my health is good enough that anemia isn't a daily factor in my life that interferes with my ability to get things done...

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