Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Subscriber-only streaming revoked, negating streaming of certain games that would have been otherwise

In the midst of starting to stream again, I noticed that Twitch has revoked my ability to do subscriber-only streams.  While this problem doesn't mean much seeing as I haven't had a subscriber since September 7th of 2019, certain games (or modes) I am ONLY willing to stream if they are subscriber-only.  This includes PvP games where you can be stream-sniped & your stream can be used against you, as well as games that might give away personal information (such as Pokemon GO).  Because of this, games that fall under this category will not be getting streamed on Twitch until that option becomes available again.  While Discord streaming to a VIP channel might have been an option, considering this Discord function only seems to work correctly on Windows 10 (where I'm still running Windows 7 Ultimate), this also negates the possibility of streaming these games on Discord to a limited audience.  Additionally, I have had to stop streaming on Steam due to their lack of privacy options when it comes to game visibility on your profile (setting an option which hid game activity, which apparently also broke my ability to stream games on Steam).

Really the only option left at this point (at least with accounts I already have open) would be a private YouTube stream, however I'm still weary as to whether streaming to YouTube would be smart after they allowed the multiple attacks from Bandai/Namco back in 2016 (now expect this blog to also get attacked simply because I mentioned it, not that it really matters; the main purpose for the blog is a feed for the Twitch channel, so it don't really need to be public or listed in search engines as it links off of my channel).  Note that this particular reason is also why I STILL refuse to put my payment information on ANY Google-owned platform (at least until Google Fiber is available is my area, this might be the only thing that breaks this deadlock on refusal to put any money into Google's pockets), including Google Play, despite sticking primarily to Samsung Galaxy S-series smartphones & Android tablets.

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