Saturday, March 6, 2021

Further PSN cutoffs

In addition to removing my PSN account from my Epic Games account last night, I've taken further steps to cut off PSN, this one related to other PSN users that aren't still using a PS3.

Roughly 4 days ago, I disabled receiving new friend requests on my primary PSN account.  This is because most friend requests I have been receiving do not have gaming history below PS4 or have no gaming history at all (normally meaning a new account for trolling/harassment purposes).  I may still be willing to add more PS3 friends in the future, but I didn't see a point in allowing additional incoming friend requests when they were people that I couldn't play with on that system or simply people trying to cause problems, so this will cut off people that are simply using PSN as an outlet to be abusive.

The second thing is I'm going to start pruning PSN friends that haven't been online in over a year.  Note that I'm going to be going by my PS3 friends list (not by what's on the site or the mobile app, as these have cut off PS3 support), meaning anybody who has not logged into a PS3 in over a year will be removed.  Of course there may be some exceptions, but for the most part, anybody listed as not being online in over a year when looking at my PS3 friend list will be removed.

Additional cutoffs are to be expected when it comes to the Sony brand name in the future.  A full boycott against Sony is still being considered, but as of yet, still not determined to be a step taken, but it's still a high probability in the near to distant future...

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