Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Twitch video & live broadcast embedding broken

Twitch recently made changes to their embedding API, which screwed up all embedded videos both on this blog & my personal site (I would suspect on other external sites as well).  I've been attempting to get this fixed, but as of yet, have been unsuccessful; I may eventually just need to resort to embedding YouTube versions instead & only providing a link to the video on Twitch if chat played a part in the video in question (which is usually done anyways, so ultimately it will only be the YouTube versions being embedded or no embedded version if it hasn't been uploaded to YouTube; uploading to my personal site is another option, as well as a number of other sites I have used in rare situations, even other sites I haven't used could be used, even if I need to create new accounts for them).

Ironically, Twitch keeps making changes that drives people off to using other sites for what they cut off; first it was the PlayStation 3 & PS Vita apps (YouTube still has theirs running without problems & it's not required to stay logged out of it for it to work, only the PlayStation 4 app still remains on PlayStation systems), next it was descriptions on videos, now we're looking at recorded & live video embedding on external sites biting the dust...  Shall we start making predictions on what they'll cut off next?

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