Saturday, March 7, 2020

PS3 Twitch app discontinued

It is a sad day when you turn on your PlayStation 3 to watch Twitch & find that you can not connect to servers, getting the following error:

Oops! Something wrong happened
Sorry, but we can't connect to the Twitch servers right now.

I ran into this a few days ago, decided to wait a few days before doing anything about it, but ultimately I determined I was going to have to record a new video to add to the Broken Twitch app playlist on my YouTube channel & re-submit the petition that was previously used to get the app fixed.  On further inspection however, I found that rather than just breaking the app & not removing it from the store (as they previously did), they have actually fully removed it from the PSN store this time around, basically a big "fuck you" to all PS3 users that used to use the PS3 Twitch app...  So at this point it was no longer a matter of sending a petition their way to fix it, it was more a matter of seeing if there was any way to salvage the app in it's current condition.

There is a way to bring back functionality of the PS3 Twitch app, but in order to do so, you have to remain logged out & only use it as a visitor (save a list somewhere so you search for your favorite channels & consider setting up email notifications of when they go live).  You might be saying, "but I can't log out with this error locking the screen", well that's accurate, but there's still a way around it & I'm going to give steps on how to do this here.

First step is you have to remove the app from your PS3, this should be a fairly simple step for most PS3 users, just highlight the Twitch app, press ▲, highlight Delete & press X.

Remember I stated that the app had been removed from the store, so you won't be able to download it from the PSN store anymore.  There is still a way you can download the app however; to do so, go to Account Management, then Transaction Management, then Download List, you will find the download for the Twitch app somewhere in this list if you had downloaded it prior on the PSN account you may be logged into on your PlayStation 3.

Once installed, you are going to need to run it, this will update (if you can call it an update in it's broken state) it to version 1.07.

After installing the update, it's going to restart the app & as you can see in the screenshot below that this will at least give some functionality to it.

This will at least give some functionality, but there will be no personalization & no ability to report channels as being logged into the app is what causes the Oops! Something wrong happened. error you were getting before (in other words, the app is still functional, but access to account data appears to have been intentionally if removal of the app from the PSN store wasn't enough indication that they are sticking to their guns on not fixing it this time around).

It's a shame that we DID manage to get it fixed shortly after submitting the petition to their suggestion boards on their instruction after we had over 100 signatures, only for it to ultimately be killed regardless of it already being fixed...


  1. so how do i get this to work if i never hat the twitch app?

  2. This workaround was written under the impression that if you are running into this problem, it was expected that you would have had to have downloaded it at least once on an account that you own. Those who don't own an account that has downloaded it before won't have the option to download the app themselves, as the app has been removed from the store, meaning it can only be downloaded from download/transaction history on a PSN account.

    The other alternative is you might know somebody else who has downloaded the PS3 app in the past, they could create a profile on your PS3 & log into your system, download the app, then log out or delete the profile afterwards (the profile is no longer necessary after the app is installed, but if your system is registered under their account, it might be possible to remotely queue downloads to your system should it be necessary in the future; I know this works with games, not entirely sure when it comes to apps however, especially free ones).

  3. Unfortunately, the option to recover the app from your download list in transaction menu is not working now. Tried it from 3 different accounts on which I've downloaded twitch. It's just not there anymore...

    1. I just looked at my primary PSN account again, it's still listed there & I was able to download it again; I deleted the download rather than reinstalling however, I already have it fixed (anonymously anyways, still can't log into it if I want to use it). My guess is you are logging into PSN accounts that you either thinks you've downloaded it on in the past, but haven't or accounts that you have downloaded it on in the past, but you can't find the app in the list. Remember to go through each year individually, there is a cutoff on how much can be displayed in that list at one time. drop it to maybe 6 or 3 months at a time if you've had a lot of purchases over an account.

      Also comments are on moderation, you don't need to repost if you don't see your comment, it just has to be passed through moderation & accepted first before the comment will show publically.

  4. Thanks, this worked for me. Luckily I'd downloaded it last year.

  5. Thank you! It worked. It sucks that you need an account that has downloaded it before tho. Better than a completely nonfunctional app...


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