- Past Broadcasts where personal (sensitive) information was discussed will still be getting marked as Subscriber-Only, normally a Highlight will also be made off of that personal information & only accessible by subscribers.
- Any video where Twitch chat was a large point of the video will be left as public, typically these will be linked to from the detailed descriptions on Google Drive (which started serving as the primary means for descriptions when Twitch started hiding them back in September of 2019) & the YouTube and Steam versions of those videos.
- Any video that is being used in a review on my personal site (usually meaning it's embedded on the page) & does not have a YouTube version for that specific video will remain public. Videos that are embedded in pages on external sites typically do not need descriptions to be displayed on the video page itself because the video can be viewed from that site rather than having to come to Twitch directly, so the reason for the video on Twitch is only confusing to those that are viewing it on Twitch, it still serves it's purpose on external sites where the video is embedded with a visible description of why the video is there & what's in the video (something I was considering doing previously for every video on my Twitch channel, but decided it would take too much time to set up, so I ended up abandoning that plan after roughly 10 videos).
- I know them personally outside of Twitch, usually in person.
- If a supporting streamer has helped me reach a particular milestone on Twitch
- If a streamer has me marked as a moderator on their channels
- If a viewer has subbed or cheered at least 100 bits in one cheer on my channel
- If a streamer has me marked as a VIP on their channel
Despite nearly every highlight on my Twitch channel now being Subscriber-Only, almost everything that is on Twitch is also on my YouTube channel (and then some). It is advised that due to the poor tagging system & lack of descriptions & titles that now appears to be standard on Twitch that users should stick to searching for videos on YouTube where there is still a proper means to find videos you may be looking for.
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