Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Follower-only chat enabled due to harassment

Follower-only chat is once again enabled due to harassment...  This harassment ended up coming from an individual that was orignally banned for the same type of harassment, that individual has now been banned over 3 different accounts on Twitch & blocked on Epic Games (the last 2 bans happened as a result of attempting to have me add him again when they were already on my block list; considering I keep track of name changes on blocked people on Epic Games, I already knew both why he was blocked & why he was banned & only became aware of the ban-evasion after the last stream).

Full account history & details can be found at

A report was filled to Twitch about the harassment & ban-evasion, but as expected, they chose to fully ignore the reports filed against these 2 new account, which is why I made it a point to make the report public in the detailed description on Google Docs, which I am also going to duplicate that report here (I may eventually just publish a new pages regarding this individual to my personal site:
Individual has been banned from my channel in the past for harassment after I stated I was not going to build their StormShield for them & leaving the StormShield until he had it ready to go (originally helping him with a defense earlier), this was back on 7/13/2019. The individual has been following my channel under a secondary account for a while, but didn't realize the account of mrcrazy89 was him until he attempted to get me to add him to my Epic Games friend list tonight while helping another viewer with an endurance defense. When I realized this, I stated that I would not play with that individual, which immediately resulted in retaliation from the individual (over the second account). Directly after banning this secondary account, he came back on the third account of mrbann7637, leading to 2 bans of (out of 3) in less that 2 minutes. Video & chat log evidence have been published online, the offline description for these videos (this became standard when Twitch started hiding descriptions & titles) with full details & profile/video links can be found at
Follower-only chat will remain enabled for (at least) the next 2 streams & be downgraded from a 10-minute minimum in the next stream, to just needing to following in the stream after than, then eventually removed again (this is provided the harassment doesn't continue even with the mode enabled, in which case the minimum will be increased & the time it is fully removed will be prolonged over even more streams).

It would be advised that while follower-only chat is enabled to help mitigate this harassment, that supporting streamers do not raid my channel, as users from their raids will find that they will not be able to chat unless they are already followers (normally I don't allow spamming, but emote-spamming is pretty common when it comes to raids, so it's one of the exceptions I make to the "No Spamming" rule on my channel).

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