Monday, April 8, 2019

Funeral for the next couple days, streams delayed

Today I spent most of my day at a viewing for my uncle, a Navy Veteran who served in the Vietnam War & was exposed to agent orange when used in chemical warfare during this war.  He passed away one week ago, only moments after being removed from life-support (stating he had had enough of the pain & was ready to go), after becoming paralyzed when he broke his spine in a fall at his home 3.5 months ago.
He will be buried at Camp Williams cemetery tomorrow & I will be going there to attend as well.  Needless to say this is going to put a hold on streams until everything is finalized, however I am expecting to do another stream either Tuesday night or Wednesday before the Fortnite daily reset.  Family comes first, not like I'm actually making any income off of my channel anyways (outside of one very supportive individual who has been contributing over Patreon for the last year), so there's no reason I should miss his burial for something that doesn't even get me closer to paying my bills, I will be honoring his death not only as family, but also as a Veteran that served our country in the Vietnam War & putting my Twitch channel out of mind until after I get back home later in the day.  If I should need more time to mourn this death in the family before doing another stream, I will post an update here; those that are receiving email updates on my channel will always get a notification when a new stream starts, it's the best way to tell when a stream is starting seeing as I have no set schedule on when streams will be done.

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