Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Company staying, streams limited

While the situation with Medicaid may temporarily have been resolved (not that I expect it's going to stay that way, I still have my doubts that it's actually resolved, but I won't know that until later this month or midway through next month), the current situation that is keeping me from streaming as much as I would like is related to some company that is currently staying at my house.  This is an old friend (one of the few local friends I still have that aren't family) that needed a place to stay after his ex-wife manipulated legal procedures to punish him every time anything even smelled funny...

Long story short, this manipulation, paired with paranoia & what I would expect to be bipolar disorder resulted in him having to spend some time in jail, as well as having to sell an impressive house (that happened to be too close to someone in her family, not to the point that it broke the restraining order, but enough to keep her on edge & that was used in his sentencing to get out early, causing further damage on his credit he had just managed to build back up while they were still married) he had purchased with a loan from the bank after the divorce.  Because he lost the house, he needed a place to stay after he got out, he called me (I had done this before for a few days when she threw him out of the house after he signed the divorce papers she kept using to manipulate him to get her way, apparently thinking that it would be a show of good faith that he was willing to work with her if he did sign them, she promptly had them processed after he signed them; I explained to him before you don't get a divorce to save your marriage, you get a separation so you don't have to get divorced, none of my advice on the situation really got through his thick skull, so the inevitable happened...), he was supposed to spend a few days here, but it's already been closer to 3 weeks & looks like it's going to be over a month before he'll have a place to move to & I'll be able to get back to steaming more regularly (I may not have an actual streaming schedule, but I was doing it most days regardless)...

I told him a few years ago if she had this type of severe paranoia towards him (and abusive nature manipulating legal procedures to get her own way), he should just leave her & consider it a blessing it was over; my personal statement was that if I was in a (poor excuse of a) relationship like this, I would have had the marriage annulled within the first week.  Also she forbid him to say anything about what was going on about it, yet she felt she was still entitled to tell everybody in her family to get them to cut ties with him & block him on any social platform online (of course he still talked with his own family & myself about it, but it was an unreal expectation that she could talk trash about him to everybody she knew & he was supposed to keep quiet about it).  The reality of it is that poor excuse of a woman will never be able to keep down a steady relationship if this is her personality & sooner or later karma will come back to haunt her (as well as her mother, who abused her position in Deseret Industries to use company funds to make the situation a whole lot worse), she'll eventually realize that not many people would make as many changes or take as many losses as my friend did to attempt to please her & that she will NEVER keep down a marriage if she expects her partner (if there was ever a case where the term "ball & chain" had relative accuracy, this was it) needs to be the only person making the changes...

So until he's gotten his own place & is out of the house, this is going to restrict how often I can stream online or at least restrict the time I have to be doing things on my own & not spending time with him...  It is possible I might be able to talk him into playing a game I can stream online with him (I did get him Double Dragon: Neon during the Steam Winter sale, installed Shadow Warrior 2 on his computer from my secondary/guest GOG account & he has access to my secondary/guess Steam account's game library through Family Sharing should we attempt a Steam game not on his own account; Killing Floor was a game we used to play together, him playing on my secondary/guest computer when he came to visit before getting married, he currently has his own computer set up in my home office where the secondary/guest computer is still sitting, but detached).

There will still be streams at least every 3 days (don't want to lose potential of missing completion of dailies), but outside of that (and when specific llamas are available in the store), streams are going to be back to how it was around the time that Twitch dailies were broken, only playing the game every 1-3 days when necessary to not lose what is available in the game by not bothering to complete those tasks (as far as Battle Royal is concerned in Fortnite, I don't really care for that mode, so loss of what that mode has to offer doesn't contribute to the importance of the original mode that I purchased access to the game for, that being the co-op mode of Save the World, which was available in Early access as early as mid-2017).

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